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Today, several people are joining the trend. Social media is a trend that has been making a big change in the digital age. This serves as one of the platforms used for personal or business purposes because of its ability to reach a wide range of audiences.
Social media emerged in the scene and now, it is being improved by several people. These people have created their own social media sites that will allow users to share their stories, brands, products, or services to millions of people around the world.
On the other hand, some are still not aware what social media is and would like to clearly know what they could get when they make use of social media. Social media is not only a word that you should understand but it is a technology wherein you should comprehend everything – from its uses down to its help for businesses.
About Social Media
Social media is a technology that consists of channels that enable sharing and generation of careers, interests, information, ideas, and other expressions. These expressions are being addressed through networks and virtual communications.
When it comes to social media, you will be able to find different communication channels online that can be used for interactions, collaborating, and sharing by communities involved. In this software, you will have the chance to share some data like personal images, ideas, and professional data.
Originally, social media is only dedicated for personal usages wherein users can share their daily thoughts or even their activities. Also, this is used for interacting with their family and friends in a fast and easy manner.
But now, businesses are adopting social media where it is used for reaching their target audience and make their marketing a big success. Not only is that businesses are using it as an advantage to share their achievements about sales or performance they also use social media to offer promos as baits to acquire more audiences.

Social media doesn’t only focus on social networking sites but it also works for sites that generally share information to the public. Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are just some of the famous social networking sites that can be used by everyone today. Also, Google +, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, Pinterest, and Reddit are also part of the world of social media.
Social media is now changing from time to time. There are some changes that can be fascinating but some are also not good to handle. But, its great help in terms of communication, information sharing, and interaction, this is a technology that will help every user or business to share information effectively and successfully.
Social media is making a big role in the lives of everyone every day. This is a technology that is integrated with different communication channels that enable any one to share what they feel and makes communication as easy as possible. With this kind of technology, you will have the chance to engage your people and will also have the opportunity to get to know the technology more.
Social media don’t only focus on networking sites but it also becomes a platform for everyone that will enable them to make their business succeed online and will allow them to impart more information that can be a key factor in making a business successful and effective.

Social media did not only emerged on its own but it has a great history that you should know. It began even before everyone owns a smartphone and it keeps on changing from all points of time. Social media’s history is not something that you should underestimate. Its history is the one that you should look into because it gives you the chance to know all the alterations that it has gone through and how modernization become a key factor in its changes.

Interacting virtually today is becoming possible because of social media. Have you ever asked yourself how it started? Would you like to become aware of its great start that has been changing the lives of everyone today? Or, would you like to know the answer on how it really began?
Well, here is the history of social media that you should get familiar especially if you are someone who often uses social media on a daily basis.
How Social Media Started
Since social media is more on communication and interaction, it could have started way before the 1900 and the first form of communication is letters. In 550 BC, this is where the first postal service has been dated and since then, it became one of the successful forms of communication back then.
When 1972 came, the Telegraph has been made. A telegraph will help in making long distances messages be quickly and easily delivered and this is the one used when it comes to sending information or news because the messages are just short. When the telegraph was out of trend, the pneumatic post entered in 1865 and it made the delivery even faster.
When the 20th century came, technologies started to advance and social media is part of it. Scientists in the 1940s made a way to connect the computers and the people with each other which gave birth to the Internet. Varieties of internet forms are been created like CompuServe that was formed in the 1960s. Then, emails came along and in 1979, UseNet allowed the users to interact via virtual newsletters. As the 1980s came, home computers started to be a common technology which led to social media’s sophistication. Chat relays were used and it now becomes popular until the 1990s.
In 19997, the first ever recognized social media site has been used and it is the Six Degrees that allows the user to socialize and upload profiles and the blogging sites also emerged.

When blogging became a trend after it was introduced, social media provided a booming effect and its popularity created a big storm. LinkedIn and Myspace began to exist, Flickr and Photobucket were also making a name in the world of photo sharing.
In 2005, YouTube, the popular video sharing, and the watching site also began. This site enables the user to share and communicate with other users in all parts of the globe.
In 2006, Twitter and Facebook suddenly popped out on the scene and has been captivating a lot of users since then. These sites remained its popularity until now and become the best social networking sites that can be found on the internet.
Now, you can find Spotify, Instagram, Tumblr, Foursquare, and Pinterest. These sites are also making names in the history of social media.
Social media really made a great history in the world today and it is one of the histories that we are still living today.

·         Sharing of Everyday Life – they say, social media today is being used as a diary and this is one of the reasons why people are using this technology – to share their everyday life. In social media, you can share what you feel, your activities, and even your sentiments. This is like an open book of your life that everyone can see.
These are the reasons why people use social media. The effectivity of social media in terms of sharing, communication, and updates makes it a technology that should always be used at all times.

If you think that you have already known social media, you got it wrong. There are things in social media that you are not aware of and these are the things that you must know.
Social media is now becoming one of the sought-after technology when it comes to communication. This is the platform that is being used for interaction and marketing purposes. And, if you want to be a social media guru or be a well-versed individual when it comes to social media, then you should know some things that you haven’t know before.
In social media, there are also some secrets that you are not mindful. Don’t be one of those people are little informed about social media but be a leader when it comes to all the information about this technology.
Here are the things that you didn’t know about social media that you should start knowing now.
·         Ages 55-64 are the most users on Twitter
Well, that is a big surprise, isn’t it? Twitter is used by people in different ages and walks of life and those people who are in the age bracket of 55 to 64 are the ones who are considered the age that uses Twitter. It keeps on growing and this is a big benefit for those businesses whose target audiences are the ones who are already mature. Well, Twitter is a great social media platform that you can use if your target audience is in the age bracket of 55 to 64.

·         Facebook is expanding at a fast pace
Facebook may be a common social media platform for others but this is one of the social media networks that keeps on expanding on the fast pace. Billions of people are now using this and it is being used in all parts of the world. Every second in Facebook, new profiles are made which makes it a global demand.

·         Videos are loved
In social media, you can share information and can even search for it. But, didn’t you know that videos are more loved on social media? This becomes a powerful content that has been capturing the attention and interest of the people. When you visit different social media networking sites, you will be able to see more videos every day like in YouTube and Facebook.

·         Facebook User Engagement is Active during Fridays
A study shows that every Friday, customer engagement in Facebook is fully alive. Posts that are made during Fridays have lots of comments, likes, and shares which only means that if you want to make social media engagement effective and possible, might as well post contents during Friday.

·         Late Night is Tweeting Time
If you want to know what time people tweets on Twitter, then late at night is the one. Most people tweet between 10 pm to 11 pm and Sunday is mostly the day for tweeting. This day is mostly the perfect day for your contents to be shared successfully and can increase the engagement with your audience.

·         Different Winners on Pinterest
Pinterest is one of the social media sites that have been driving crazy traffics all day. In this platform, several winners are acknowledged every day. During Wednesdays, posts that are inspirational have several engagements. When it is Monday, fitness posts have more engagement than others. Every day, Pinterest has different posts that receive engagement.
These are the things that you don’t know about social media and now you know how you can use it wisely.

Social Media continuous to earn popularity from people around the globe. Social Media benefits many people such as the idea of communication and reaching out many people.
However, social media also continues to invade many businesses. From small to medium and even giants businesses, are being benefited by this powerful “social media”. The success of many businesses are not only because of its management, it is also because of the social media. Whatever the size of the business, the wide spread effect of social media on businesses has been seen every day.
The Social Media for Businesses
The social media has been the reason behind the success of many small and medium sized businesses. The success to social media comes with creativity and engagement. Engagement means that you know how to encourage and increase your lead through letting people know about your brands.
Many people as of now especially the millennials who are aware of all the brands through social media sites. Many as well as relying on social media in purchasing products. The world of social media has been popular when it comes to advertisement.
Many marketers who want to promote their services and products are turning to social media advertising. Popular social media such Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are the top social media platforms who are helping businesses to promote their products and make a name in the industry.
Effects to Business
Man needs water and food to survive. Same with business, it needs a fuel to keep itself running. Social media for business is considered as a necessity. Paying flyers and another traditional way of advertisement is no longer effective if you want to be on top and overtake your competitors. If you want to compete, be active on social media and start promoting your brands online.

Many are still not selling their brands on social media. There are still businesses who don't believe in the power of social media in their business progress. Many companies and other organization don't realize the benefits that the social media can offer them. That is why many businesses are drowning in their traditional way of managing the company. It is now time to get away with that old mindset and obsolete way of marketing.
You can get to know your customers with the help of social media. The social media makes it possible for you to know more about your customers. The age, gender and other important things you want to know are now available on social media. You just have to search from your list of friends of from your followers.
You can also know what your customers really think. There are the so called customers’ review that will help you to know if your customers are satisfied by your service or your products. But if your customers are not happy, you might lose referrals from them.
But, if your customers are highly satisfied by your products or services, they will post it or tweet it on public and many people will know about you and your brand. If you are seeking for a business growth, the social media is proven to be an effective tool.

Many businesses are choosing the idea of Social Media Marketing. Though many know the positive effect of social media on their business, many are still unable to cope up with the latest trend. It is very important to know the possible effect of social media on your brand because it will not always be a success in this kind of industry.
For many businesses and marketers, it is a must to know the pros and cons of Social Media for Businesses.

·         Cheaper than other marketing strategies
Most of the social media marketing tools are free to use. That is why there are no excuses not to use the social media for your brands. By creating a profile on this social media, you are now one step ahead of your competitors. There are also paid social media that offers full social media advertisement.
·         Exposes Brands into Audiences
Many brands are using social media to expose their products and services to many audiences. Since there are billions of users around the globe, there’s a great chance that you can generate more traffic for your brands. Your ads can even spread all over the social media sites which can be shared with friends to your friends’ friend.
·         Builds Brand Loyalty
If you are looking for loyal customers, the social media marketing can do this for you. Developing a customer centered ads can possibly build trust and loyalty for your brand. Through your inspiring and relatable content about your products or brands, customers will surely reflect and help them.
·         High Conversion rate
Using the social media accounts in promoting your brands can surely help you to target audience. You don’t need to look for a place for more traffic, social media has it. You can easily generate leads and convert them into sales through interacting with your audience just like the normal thing you do in person.
·         It is Time Intensive
Almost 60% of marketers are using the social media for almost 11 hours a week for business functioning. Social media advertisement can be time-consuming. Because you need to be actively present in maintaining an interaction with your social media customers.

·         Prone to Security Hacking
Since your account has a value, may hackers will possibly break into your accounts and access all the valuable things and data. Your system might also be hacked and can even harm your company. There are hackers who are willing to do anything just get access to your private account. This is one of the risks of entering into social media marketing.
·         Can damage your brand’s image
Anything that you posted on any social media sites can be used against you. You can never guarantee that all the people are happy with your service. Your company name might be put at risk because there are some people whose purpose is to destroy and sabotage your reputation. Instead of being a hall of fame, you can be one of that hall of shame.
It is true that risk is always present. Especially when it comes to business, you have to remember that you are a risk-taker. Your success solely depends on your plans, proper execution, and a social media marketing strategy that is directed to audience everyday lives. 

Social Media is a powerful tool in all types of businesses. Its priority is to reach our more customers and buyers. Customers are interacting with many brands out there in the social media. Maybe it’s hard for you to speak directly to your customers on Facebook and Instagram. But it is a must. You might lose the competition if you will not prepare and actively engaged yourself in social media marketing.

Meet your goals with Social Media Marketing
Social Media can help you achieve your company’s goal such as:
         Building more traffics
         Developing brands’ trust and awareness
         Creating unique brand identity
         Converting Traffic to leads and sales
Engaging your audience on your social media accounts or networks is a step in achieving your goals.
In order to start up your social media marketing journey, you have to first consider the choice of the social media platform that best fits your needs and convenience.
Social Media Platform for your business
Still asking on how to use the social media for your business? Better learn the social media platforms that are best for your business brands. Since it is the top social media platform right now, it is better if you will choose Facebook.
Facebook is a perfect place for your brand. Your Facebook presence is very important in your business growth. People have varied reasons why they are fond of using the social media app. One of the reason is they search for online services and products. You can be the answer to their problem. There are also other social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest that are following the step of Facebook.
Though they have a difference, they have one in common. They let people interact and they can let you promote your brands using their social media sites. There are still other social media sites such as YouTube, Reddit and Google+ that are also platforms for your brand optimization.
Finding Audiences and Joining Conversations
Upon knowing the different platforms for your business, it is also important to find an audience and start joining conversations. You have to know where to find the targeted audience and what to do with them. You can participate in Facebook chats, twitter chats, and Google hangouts.
You can even jump into a conversation and start promoting your brands to them. That is how true businessmen would want to do if he or she really wants to achieve the set goals. In joining chats and other forums, do not always talk about yourself, let them know your brand.

Share contents to the audience that will interest them. It is not the same when you are selling a product to an individual person than selling something online. The process of using social media for your business requires time and funds.
But if you have both time and the funds, it will be a lot easier for you to promote and generate more traffic for your business. If you know how to use the social media sites properly for your advertisement, you can be successful in whatever type of business you have right now.

Many business owners are still undecided whether to invest or not in social media marketing. There are several questions that are hindering them to invest in the latest trend of marketing.
Maybe you are one of them who are still wondering about the things that might happen upon investing in social media marketing. Is it really worth it? Oftentimes, there are complaints about the waste of time in posting on many social media sites. It is hard for business owners to measure the Return on Investment (ROI). You cannot guarantee your success in investing in social media marketing. And, you cannot guarantee to have a high ROI upon investing in social media marketing.
Determining and measuring the benefits
It is really hard to know whether the social media is helping in the increase of traffic to your website of or your brand. But, with the use of Google Analytics, you’ll be able to know and see how many people visited and clicked your ads. It will also help you to track the conversation rate of every visit. Another way of measuring is through the number of fans, likes, comments, and followers. But, it is not yet enough to answer the question. Facebook is the top social media platform that can be used for your brand optimization.

Building your brands
Social media marketing can deliver an increase in the results of your campaign. Promoting your brand can actually generate more traffic for your brand. And, you’ll be able to see the difference between the traditional and the use of social media advertisements. Determining your page views, mentions and likes and shares can give you a hint how successful your strategy is.
It is good to compare your company to others. By this, you’ll be able to know if you grow up a company and determine the areas or room for improvement. If you are really eager to know the performance of your brands on your chosen social media platforms, there are useful tools that can help you in measuring your effectiveness. It is very important to know your performance so that you can easily build a positive online reputation.
As the social media continues to grow and accepted by many people, it is potentially suited for all brand owners. Marketers and many business owners must be aware of the potential effects that it will bring to their brands. Social media provides many interesting opportunities for keeping and growing the value of brands. Social media influences the brand value and that’s what makes it possible to continuously generate more leads to companies.
Studies show that social media actions such as YouTube and Facebook actions are found to be a strong positive influence value. The overall findings show that relative effect of social media platforms in promoting the brands.
Choosing the right strategy for your business is not easy. But the idea of generating customers and the conversion into sales, it is indeed true that social media is worth the investment for businesses. Therefore, investing on social media is really worth it. 

Social Media is actually a collection of people who are socializing with each other by means of different social media applications. Some of the popular Social Media Sites that is being used in the society is the FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM which can be accessed anywhere and anytime as long as the internet connection or even free data is concerned.
2.1. Facebook
It is the number one biggest social media site that is widely used by the people around the world. This site was first launched last February 4, 2004 by Harvard College students Mark Zuckerberg and his fellow students and roommates. This media site is accessible in any place and can be opened in any technological products such as computers, laptops, cellphones and tablets. Facebook is always crowded everyday by the users who want to check updates in social media, post pictures of some sort, and chat with friends or of loved ones, play games online and many other applications.
Facebook was the first media site that surpassed the 1 billion user accounts and up until now it exceeded to its limit. Aside from having online connection with the dear ones, Facebook have other capabilities such as the different Facebook applications where you can use it to sell online products and even promote your own business just by using the paid Facebook advertisement.
When registering to Facebook account, you need first to create a user profile and input all the necessary information for the start of registration. You can add friends whoever you want, message person to person, posts text, pictures, or videos to update status, share videos and links from one another, have access to different software applications and at the same time, receive notifications if someone updated their profiles and post something online.
Browsing Facebook can really sooth the boredom that you are feeling. When you are not doing anything, Facebook could be a better place to relax. Facebook is not just a simple social media site. It can also serve as a search engines that you want to look for. This is just an amazing site that need to be appreciated and not be used negatively against others.

2.2. Instagram
Instagram is one of the unique popular media site that is created only for sharing of photos and videos. All the photos that is being shared in this social networking application enables an individual to capture the best memories in their lives and create your own art of pictures. Instagram is capable of this by applying the multiple filters in your photo and can even be used in the different social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Instagram can be accessed using any of the technological products such as cellphones, computers, laptop, and tablets and any internet based photo sharing application that will allow the users to upload and share pictures and videos in public or private status. Instagram is created by Mike Krieger and Keven Systrom and was first launched last October 2010 as a mobile application that is exclusive used only for IOS operating system. 
Instagram features the upload of many photos and videos in the media as a service to the users. It applies a variety of filters to the images that adds effect. The users can add hashtags to the posts and connect the photos to the content of the Instagram that features same subject. You can even link it to other social media profiles which enables the users to share their photos in that particular site as well.
As the Instagram app becomes old, it even continue to create an upgrade in the features of the Social media site. Now, the Instagram videos haven’t been like this. All the videos are supported for widescreen viewing and longer duration of video play. Even messaging have been formulated. Instagram already have that augmented reality stickers and face filters launched recently this year of 2017. This is how the Instagram became a powerful tool in social media outlet. Instagram is now part of Facebook in redefining the social media.

2.3. Twitter
Twitter is one of the popular social media sites that are being used by millions of people around the world. It is an online news and social networking services described by the posts and interactions of messages or tweets limited to 140 characters only. Twitter is run only by exchange of messages and nothing else. This social media site is real time and you can easily have the first news about a particular person at once.
Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey and 3 others last March 2006 where it rapidly became a boom worldwide. Users can access Twitter in any internet based device such as computers and tablets and in any mobile device applications that will enable you to tweet any time. This social media site has changed dramatically over the years and most of the features of this site function almost like Facebook already.
Most of the messages in the Twitter can be viewed publicly but the senders can actually deliver their message only to their followers. It is restricted somehow that only a few people are allowed to have the view of the message. Only those registered users can post tweets and those who are unregistered have the chance to read them. And nothing more. 
Users can subscribe to other tweets and this is the process of following a particular person to keep up with the posts of the user. Any tweets can be forwarded by any user to their newsfeed for the so called retweet. There is also like of any individual tweets. Since it is a social media site, Twitter concepts always involve the so called followers.
When you follow specific user tweets, it will appear in a reverse order on your main Twitter page. This is how Twitter works in the social media accounts. Aside from this, the Twitter has now a Twitter Card Integration that provides convenience in sharing all types of multimedia content on Twitter.

2.4. LinkedIn
The social media LinkedIn is best to describe as a social media site for professionals and other business-minded people.
This was founded December 14, 2002, and later launched in the year 2003. The social media website for professionals is available in 24 different languages. The LinkedIn has now 400 million registered users. People with the same profession and are in the same industries gets easily connect to each other. That is one of the best features of LinkedIn.
Aim for Connection
Many business owners ignored this kind of platform. Possibly because they don’t know and understand its powerful effect to their businesses. When it comes to online business networking, LinkedIn is the most popular site. If you are looking for an environment where you can belong, LinkedIn is a nice place. It is a place for like-minded individuals who establish great connections.
LinkedIn users are not selfish. They let other users see what they are working on. By simply displaying updates on their profile, other users will be easily updated about them. The social media site also aims in letting their users market their products and services. That is why it is also the best place for many business owners who are planning to enter the social media marketing.
An Edge for Business
LinkedIn is an important social media that can help you for your business promotions. Improving your business through social media is a wise decision. And, choosing LinkedIn as a partner can possibly boost your sales. You can find similar groups of people in LinkedIn that can help you in a line of your business. It also provides opportunities when it comes to business ventures.
Facebook is highly focused on social networking, while LinkedIn focuses on business connections. If you are starting up on your online business career, it is better to use LinkedIn to better fuel your social media presence. LinkedIn is an effective social media marketing tool that will possibly help your small business grow into a giant business.

2.5. Google+
Google+ is also one of the tops and trusted social media sites. It also has a place among the most popular sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Google+ is a social media tool that is best for any small business owners.
Google+ was launched last 2011 and now has 400 million registered users as of 2015. It is a social media site where some users assign people to several circles (friend, family, colleagues). And there is also various kind of activity.
The activity that is being shared is being posted on the homepage of the user. You can also search for Google+ a certain people or page. Through Google+, business owners can even set up a page for their business. And people can add their business page and can add them to their activity list and can track the business updates.
Benefits of Google+
Google+ is a social media marketing tool. What makes this social media site unique is its similarity with the Google search engine. Google+ has developed important features that are developed for business owners. With the Google+ Google My Business, you can now increase your visibility on any searches. Then, this will help you to be contacted by customers.
You can even use your circles to segment connections. It is an effective way of staying connected with your friends and customers. Communities have also make it possible to turn Google+ into a deeper connection to environment among users.
You can easily tell people about your product and services by creating a group with the same interest or passion. By these, you can possibly connect your colleagues to your business and products. Getting along with like-minded is a strategy for you as a business-minded individual.
Google+ plays a vital role in the search engine optimization. As a marketer, the Google+ can help you to let people know all about your business (product, services, promotions, prices). 

2.6. YouTube
The largest and the most popular video viewing social media site. YouTube was founded in the year 2005 by former PayPal workers. Then, it was bought by Google in the year 2006 for $1.65 billion. YouTube has 1 billion visitors every month and is considered to be the second to Google on the Search Engine Industry.
YouTube as a Powerful Social Media Marketing Tool
YouTube is said to be a veteran in the fast growing social media networks. Since its birth up to now, it continues to invade the social media world. YouTube is more than a decade in letting people view videos in their most convenient way.
Not only that, YouTube is also a perfect platform for businesses such as online marketing. Since people like to see rather than reading, it is very applicable to use YouTube as a medium of business and brand promotions.
Here are some of the reasons why YouTube is the perfect social media platform for businesses.
Builds Trust
Many customers like to purchase products that are legit. By providing customers value and good advice, it will help you to build and gain trust from your potential customers. The trust that you gain from customers will be your edge in the competition and position yourself as a top marketer.
Video Content is preferred by Search Engine
Websites that offer or host videos are those who ranked on top. Video results in google rank higher as compared to words or text. That is why most companies choose to have a video advertisement because it is proven to be effective and can drive more visitors and viewers.
Great Influencer
YouTube helps you build all kinds of content. You can even request famous musicians or artist to try your product. YouTube provides you with limitless possibilities. Influencers play a great role in your social media marketing.
Utilizing YouTube as social media marketing partner is a great choice for your business. It will allow you to build trust, promote your brand and be on top as a successful marketer. 

2.7. Snapchat
Snapchat. An image sharing and messaging social medium that allows you to message and chat online with your friends by using photos. It also gives you access to review news and be able to view live and timely stories that are happening in the now of the world.
Snapchat was first known as “Picaboo” in its early days as it launched in July 2011 in the iOS store. Headed primarily by Evan Spiegel and Reggie Brown. The concept was first developed by Spiegel when he wanted to make a selfie app that shares imaged of taken selfie pics and deleted themselves afterward. It was only later when Spiegel contacted a coder in Bobby Murphy to write-in the source code that the app would, later on, be known as Snapchat.
How does it Work?
Snapchat is so easy to use since it is famous among kids and teenagers. When you have downloaded the app, the first thing you do is to sign up, create and add contacts, open messages apps, all the others you can skip and do it later if you want to go snapping already. When taking “SNAP” you have the option of using the rear or the front cam via the button on the top right corner.
Take a picture by pressing the round button like thing on the lower center part of your screen. Once you have taken the shot, you have the option of tagging your friends and how long they get to see the image because the image does not last that long, too bad. You then get to customize the image by adding filters and captions just by pressing the screen and viola you have your SNAP!
You can now send it to the friends of your choosing. You can also take videos instead of pictures and send or share them with your friends and engage in chats with a snap! Snapchat gives you the chance to share your stories online and be able to share them with the people you want to share them with creating a fun and unique way of taking photos and videos.

2.8. Tumblr
The TUMBLR app is a social networking site that allows posting of shared multimedia and other media content on a short-form blog. Way back in February 2007, it was founded by its CEO David Karp and owned by Oath Inc. The main headquarter of the software app is located in New York City. The company’s parent organizations are Yahoo! and Altaba.
The application was developed after the CEO David Karp was looking for a website that offered a way to write a tumblelog (short-form blogs). After a year without any sign of a new blogging platform, Karp along with Marco Arment invented the application for this purpose. after 2 weeks, the app had an estimated user base of 75 thousand.
How it works
The Dashboard:  This area is the most focused on the part of the tumbler in that this is where most live feeds and recent blogs post are found especially when you follow it. The users are able to re-blog, comment, link, follow and like other posts from different blogs that present itself on the board.
With a single click of the button at the top of the dashboard, the user can post, videos, photos, images, quotes and even text posts to their blog. With the ongoing trend of social media, you can you’re your shared content or status post with Twitter and Facebook.
The Queue: the users have the ability to post anytime they want even delaying and prolonging it.
The Tags:  the tumbler app allows users to tag post for their shared content enabling others to get a look at it afterward.
Importance of Tumblr on Business
The Software application can prove useful to your business especially if you are planning to create a wide audience of followers and are looking to use minimal financial capabilities. The app allows you to post, tag, and hare content on a regular basis.
So If you have a product or business establishment in mind, sign up on Tumblr, create a page, share a captivating image or a story video about your business, tag it with any similar business or a famous event. And wait until you get the followers and a hundred shares for your business. Not a bad way to start, right?

Social media is important. It does not only make communication effective, but it can make everything easy because of its different channels that can be found. Some people may say that it is only a waste of time but for some, social media plays a huge role in their lives – personal or business aspects.
Social media is mainly used for interactions between people but now, it is also being utilized for business purposes. Because of its great effectivity in helping a person gain new friends or share their thoughts and also in helping businesses to have a smooth marketing, social media will never be out of everyone’s life.
Why is it Important?
Social media, you may see it as a mainstream in the world of internet, is playing a big importance that you should never ignore. Without it, communication may have barriers which will stop you from conveying from what you want to tell. Its importance is a big game changer and if you miss this out, you might regret it in the end.
Social media can increase online presence
As we all know, social media is one way of making your exposure in the online scene become possible. Since there are several communication channels that can be found in social media, it will let your online presence to greatly improve and established. Facebook has billions of users around the world as well as Twitter and using these platforms, you will be able to reach your target audience and will also give you the chance to increase awareness.

Social media can grow customer base
If you are someone who is in the business world and would like to acquire more customers or grow your customer base, then social media is the answer. This becomes important because social media can widely increase the customer base by just sharing interesting contents, it can now catch the attention of the audience and will also have the chance to build more relationships or contacts.
Social media can market your business
Social media can help in marketing your business. Using this as a platform for marketing, you can easily appeal to the audience especially the targeted ones. Marketing your products or services through social media, you will have the opportunity to reach different people around the world since social media is being used worldwide.
Social media makes communication fast and easy
Social media is important because it can make communication fast and easy and this is what the people want. Nobody wants their messages to be delayed or will not have the chance to deliver what they want but with social media, communication will never be a problem. This is one of the reasons why this technology existed and it is because it wants to make communication be abrupt.
Social media is indeed important. Without it, communication may become hard and marketing may also become a hassle. So, if you ignore social media, you might be missing a big part of your life which you might regret in the end.
With social media, you can easily interact with others and will have the chance to make your business grow. Letting this slide out of your hands may not give you the result that you wanted. So, make use of social media, recognize its importance because it will be your way to a successful communication and marketing in the future.

Perhaps you already have an idea of how big and popular social media is. Did it ever cross your mind that social media is a perfect element to help your business get a larger audience, convert a large number of customers, and grow your business over time by growing your sales?
YES! It can.
It is given that social media is easy to access. But is there any guarantee to achieve your business goals if you are there and doing nothing? Many business owners and marketers don’t clearly understand the right use of the social media because they don’t know the right social media marketing. The diversity of social media platforms means there are different approaches needed on how to use them, as well as the marketing strategies so you can seamlessly achieve your goals.
On this chapter, we will uncover the ways on how to use social media marketing using different social media platforms. Here they are:

In terms of contexts, the Facebook will offer you lots of freedom. Text post works, videos do, as well images. But what matters the most is that you should integrate the contents you made to the network as much as possible.
Also, using these five easy steps, you can effectively optimize your Facebook presence:
Upload Your Facebook Videos Natively
Upload your video to Facebook’s own platform instead of providing your audience a link to your videos on YouTube. But if you want to redirect the audiences to the landing pages or giveaways, publish that as a tab inside you own fan page.
Take a Look at the Insight of the Audience
Knowing the insights of your audience, you will effectively know the people you are reaching and the people that buy your offers. Facebook is awesome when it comes to this matter.

Use the Facebook Ads Frequently
Never miss out the Facebook ads as they can be great ways to help you get a good presence. A lot of marketers are asking if Facebook ads are worth enough since they are “pay to play.” Just get into the ads manager so you will not how to effectively use it.
Get Extra Closer to the Dark Posts
The Facebook dark posts are the main tool at your own disposal now – you can use them. Just get on the Facebook and then play around with them, check them and use them for your business benefit. There is no subtitle needed just for you to get around them and figuring out their work. There are lots of articles showing more about their identity. Read them to learn more.
Do Not Give Up on the Organic Posts
If you are thinking to stop your organic posts altogether, well take a close look at your situation before making a decision. Step back and take a look at how much money and time, and how many audiences the single piece is able to reach.

Google+ has been helping the businesses since 2011 and it is able to manage to gather about 250 million users in a short period of time. Google+ is the counterattack of Google to Facebook. But even though it has not taken the place of the social media king, it is able to do well.
Google+ makes everything seamless for us to connect with other people because of its recent feature that allows the users to add people back. Things have really made better for the marketers with the help of Google+.

With millions of users are almost 50% are logging in to the platform every day, Goggle+ had become a network that many marketers cannot ignore. This may not be as prominent as Facebook and Twitter, it can help create a great impact in SEO ranking in a good way. How? Here are the helpful and simple ways on how to use Google+ for your marketing:
This is one of the greatest ways on how to effectively get your own images next to the available listings over the search engine results.
Relationship Marketing
Using the Google Hangouts, you can seamlessly and effectively connect with other people and know your fans better. And there is where the relationship marketing takes its place.
Driving a Traffic
By building your own Google+ profile, you can have a chance to share the contents, news and other helpful information that regards about your business. This is one of the simplest ways on how to drive more and more traffic to your own business.
These basics are helpful to get your Google+ advantage. If you successfully do them from the very beginning, the next good things will soon to follow for your business.

The app is great, which had dominated the store of apps for many months. The growth is organic entirely. People here are posting pics, tagging their friends, inserting their hashtags and double tapping to show what they like on the contents shared by other users.
However, the things on Instagram are not just working these ways. Many marketers are using Instagram as part of their business – not just to get a good social media presence but also get a larger audience who will soon become real customers. Consider the helpful guide presented below.

Create Your Profile
All accounts in Instagram are alike – it doesn’t distinguish if you are a business user or an individual user, which is very common on Facebook and Pinterest. You are given a chance to change your own account as many times as you like, select a photo as your profile picture, and lets you place a 150-character text for your profile as a blurb for your business.
Create an Identity
The images are communicating well compared to texts, so it will be helpful to maximize your presence and create your own identity. One of the best ways is to figure out the accounts who are in the same industry. Then see what they’re doing. Take a careful note of the contents they’re posting on a regular basis and see the feedbacks they acquired from the audience. Try to know their posting strategy and the ways on how they engage with their users.
Since your objective is to create your own identity, figuring out their strategy means you don’t need to follow their steps but to create your own step away from their methods to become more engaging to people.
Grow Your Followers
To grow your account, you need to create a plan that will focus more on the quality contents and metrics, maximizing the follower engagement. Use hashtags, use filters, link your account to other social media sites, use your website, use the likes and comments, and use the influencer marketing.
Make the most of Instagram in your marketing campaign using the simple steps above.

YouTube had spawned different industries and helped thousands of professionals. It also helped millions of businesses all around the world. Thanks to the YouTube platform, many people are in the opportunity to build a small business that teaches things, share their athletic prowess, etc.

And for the marketers, YouTube is one of the best ways to share a long form content with the people around, especially for the non-avid content readers. For example, you can use your blog and transform to a video to teach people how to apply makeup, how to cook paste, and much more.
Pro Tip:
You can also use the power of social media and other channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. as great gateways in order to drive your own followers to YouTube channel. This can be achieved by offering them a snippet, excerpt, and preview of your video. And by giving your audience a bite-size teaser, you can have a chance to spark curiosity out of their senses, which will shove them to see the whole thing. 
In order for you to succeed in YouTube, there are two different ways – you can entertain or you can teach people about certain information.
Always remember that there is no limitation of how long your videos on YouTube can be. Lots of people have published their entire program or course in a form of single 3-hour video.
On the other hand, if you want to be funny in front of your audience by providing them funny contents, then you should remain funny in all channels you used. For example, there is no sense for your branding to have a blog about the PPC ads if you are known in giving contents like animal funny jokes on YouTube. You should be better in your own strategies in your videos.

If you don’t know yet, LinkedIn is quite older than Facebook, which means it is already around before Facebook came. It has a slow growth on the initial stage of its existence, but when many had tried its beneficial effect to the professionals, it has exploded on the internet as much as Facebook did. It has over 400 million members recently.

On LinkedIn, the things are being about professional. And many professional people are there for a certain thing – for BUSINESS. People there want to understand more about the current trend in their industry and know how to optimize their own performance at their work place. LinkedIn helps people expand their professional network and conduct a nice business. So, your content may have a good place on the LinkedIn platform.
To get yourself started, here are some of the helpful strategies you may more likely want to apply. Continue reading…
You may more likely be liked when you use a current and professional image to present your profile. People want to see who they are working with, so I think having an impressive profile image is vital.
Don’t forget to place a short but direct information or description about yourself in the summary. The summary is commonly viewed to know what industry you belong, your professional experiences, etc. then connect the dots in your professional background. Many users are using LinkedIn in order to reconnect with the previous business associations.
Dot forget to offer a complete contact data about yourself so your audience will know how to reach you. Make sure that your profile is public because once you fail to do it, you will get a 0 visitor.
Also, add and then update the projects you’ve worked with as more than 50% of the companies are hiring the professionals based on their experiences.
To help you reach more audience, you can upgrade your account to premium or get the help offered by the Linked automation or sales prospecting. Any of these options can be a big help and you’ll realize it once they started getting more visits.

Reddit has over 200 million users every month and is another originated social media platform. Commonly focused on the community advantages, the users of Reddit will ferociously attack the users from spamming the link baits.
There are two main factors which help Reddit grow to become a massive platform – the AMA (Ask Me Anything) and the voting features. Every user can down vote the links, entries, and comments so that the most popular and the most helpful submission will manifest on the top. The accounts are then rewarded with karma that is separately shown for the links and for the text postings. So through this way, the users don’t need to dig out more on the variety of contents before figuring out which one is the best.
Reddit is very hard to crack. You cannot have any chance of using it to another content distribution channel and then submit a link at time you will press publish on blogs. You need to give value, communicative and always present to the fellow users without asking anything first.
You can submit any funny or a helpful link for a while so you can build up a karma. Then you can refer back to the contents you have but where appropriate only. In addition, you have to make sure to create the links a side note instead of the entire post contents.
Take note that Reddit loves the things that are truly unique, interesting, funny, courageous and cute. Compared to other social media sites, this platform is not just about who are your friends, meaning being a BFF with high-rank Digg member is nothing here.

With a great history, Pinterest is known as the number one platform on social media used by the marketers to target a woman audience. And for the record, this social media platform had gained 100 million users in which 85% of them are female. Pinterest can be viewed by many as the giant digital scrapbook.
At the same time, the platform is one known to have images displayed at its best in a vertical manner because of the pin boards. So when you are posting there and want to target more and more audience, you have to keep in mind that your image should have a special format so it will look good and appealing. 
You may be wondering how other people get a chance to improve their reach and acquire thousands of followers while you only have few. I will uncover some of them.
Identify Your Purpose
By creating an account on the platform, you need to identify what is your purpose there. Was it for personal account or for business? If it is for business, you need to sign up for the official “Pinterest for Business Account.”
Create Your Popular Pins
Your pins can acquire the right engagement if you properly execute them. Know the most popular categories, place an image that work, use an optimal pin size like 736×1102 pixels for a typical pin, and make use of the instruct graphics.
Build Relationship and Gain Followers
Now that you effectively make use of your pins, it is the time to build a relationship and gain followers. To do this, you have to post frequently, engage with the followers, reply to their comments, comment on the pins of you followers, invite other users to pin on your on board, a build an influencer relationship.

Always remember that your audience in Pinterest will mostly be women who love to curate, collect and share data. They love the topics that regard to decors, cooking, design, clothing, and other interesting hot topics. Make sure you applied the right strategies to reach the right audience and promote your brand.

For marketers, creating brand awareness and community engagement is a few of the best ways of promoting a product and service to the internet and getting the right commission you want to have. Since you are already starting in the business, it would be wise to engage with your clients using snap chat. With over 100 million users in different parts of the globe, here are few interesting things how you can use Snapchat:
·         Snapchat lets you have a direct and fast access to live events that might pertain to product launches or trade shows the company offers. Customers would certainly be talking about the event as you are eager to present them the latest products you have. Hence, with this excitement, you have a chance to a lot of profits and more customers.
·         You can also use Snapchat in an effective way by delivering a content about your business. Here, you have a sure way of having the opportunity to surprise the audience and gain their trust and amazement. In doing so, people would talk about your business more than you have expected it to happen.
·         Marketers would also have a great time in coming up with product promotions. You could come up with promo codes and discounts to keep your customers engaged in buying your offered products and services. Rest assured there is a great way to expect the business would grow in a short amount of time.

·         Clients love to see to behind the scene footages of a company meeting or a product launch. Hence, using Snapchat as social media marketing tool, you are sure to have the guarantee their amazement and interest in purchasing a product.
Therefore, if you are the marketer that aims of greater success, social media marketing using Snapchat gives you the advantage you would sure like.

Beginners would have a great time in using the vine as a form of social marketing platform. Here, you have a great way it letting the world know about your business through thinking about the specific type of audience you want to attract and influence. You would need to have a great concept for it to make sure the video would attract the audience.
Then, you need to integrate the visuals you are going to use. These might be in the form of photos, illustrations or even persons. Make sure the visuals you are going to use aligns with your business so that the people would find it appealing or attractive to their taste.
Since vine only provides six seconds for you to run your video, it would be a big advantage if you think of the best boxes that you would display per second that the audience would easy to understand and would attract them on first sight.
A catchy sound would be the best things you need in starting your social media campaign on the vine. This should not be that impressive but would leave a lasting impression to the people who would hear it. In addition, make 6 seconds be the best presentation. Get the right idea going by making it simple but would fill the interest of the people.

Furthermore, do take the time to edit or check the finished video of the product before you present it to your clients. In doing so, you have sure the audience would get the message you are telling them in the best possible way. This would result in a large traffic to your site together with the easy and fast purchase of the product you are selling. Vine gives you the advantage you have never imagined possible to happen. Hence, make a move and use this platform right now.

Get your post to the next level with Yik Yak. If you are a savvy marker who wants to have great insights about the product you are selling, you could convey the thoughts you have on this posting network. Br funny and attract a large audience of potential clients using the network to give a comedic post to them.
Get the edge on the brand you are selling through the posting a question that would leave a mark to the senses of the customers. With Yik Yak, you have a great way of attracting the crowd by giving a question that would capture their senses. Here, you are sure to have a wide communication with the customers you want due to the wide reach of this social media network.
You also have a great way of sharing the content you have about your product. By doing this process, there is an easy way to have them have the information they want. Sharing the information of the product or brand you have would make it easier for you to come up with other ways of developing your brand by letting many people find out how excellent the product is.

The peak function of this platform gives you the big chance to find out the demands of many consumers in different parts of the world. The platform lets you have a quick and reliable search of the best brands that are out in the market. Here, you have a great idea of the in demand product you are trying to sell.  Then, you have a sure way of having the right and high profit you dream to have.
Then, you have a sure way of being a mystery marketer with the anonymity of Yik Yak. All you have to do have the reliable products to sell. Hence, there would be no stopping you to have the best results you want t to achieve.

Similar to other social media networking sites, Tumblr has a million users who can be potential customers  From these users comes the driving force that lets you have the large profit you want to have.
This social media platform allows you to post a snippet of the blog of the product several hours before you have a chance to post it on your actual blog. This gives you the chance of letting the internet user have a teaser of the product or brand you are selling. Hence, they would seek out the origin of the product or brand then you have the chance to introduce the product to them.
You can gather the interesting blogs of the users and put them to your site. In doing this, you have a curated content that aims to boost the advertising needs you want to achieve. If you attract the interest of other users by posting captivating blogs of your product that the other users have contributed, there is a sure way the business you have right now would grow.

In addition, you have a sure edge in communicating with your clients as you have the opportunity to search the questions made by the users. In doing this, you have a great chance of knowing the concerns and suggestions they have about the product or brand you are selling.
Then, as you answer the questions, you are sure to have the idea of coming up with a new product based on the suggestions they have made. Therefore, set your social marketing skills to the test by using Tumblr as your social media platform if you are just a beginner.

One of the great things about the medium is the big opportunity it has for the users to publish the things they want to say. Over time, the expert marketers have made a playground to give details and information about their brand or the services they have. You have a great time in doing the best to grow your business.
If it’s your first time in using social media, then it would be a good idea to medium as a platform for putting your business to the next level. You don’t have to worry if you’re not gifted with a great writing skill. The text and image you want the users to see and read are carefully balanced so that many users would still be attracted to read the information you have written and want the world to know about.
You are given the right process of making the creative design you want to have. If you want to use the medium in enlarging the image of the brand you are promoting, linking to a twitter account would be the best thing you have to do. You can also use the personal account you have or the account you are using in your business.

The next thing you have to do is edit the cover photo you want. You are given great options in doing this. Then you have the big chance of editing the display name you have together with the 160 character description that you might feel free to change into an appealing tone that would give your business a boost to excel.
For the beginners, linking the URL of the website you have or the blog you are operating could be a big advantage to your plan in giving your business a great time to grow.

For marketers who are just only beginning in the field of social media marketing, Quora to give your business an edge would be a great advantage. With the generated questions and answers, there is a sure way of getting the success you want if you are putting your marketing edge to the test. In using this, there is a sure and easy way of having the information you need.
However, you don’t want to stick to that because there is an easy way of building your social network using these series of questions and answers. The first you have to do is to sign up. Given a friendly user for sign up, you have a sure way of getting your plans to a sure way of achieving the success you what to have.
You are given the options to sign up using your email address or via Twitter and Facebook. Then, you would have a guide in performing essential steps such as adding a photo or finding the friends you want to have. Aside from this, there is a selection of topics that you are given permission to follow captivating topics that are very helpful in achieving the success you want to have for your business.

If you are willing to use Quora to give you the benefits of connecting to the trusted sites you want, you have to follow the following steps such allowing Quora to access the information you have on your Twitter or Facebook account. When this step has been finished, Quora would automatically add you friends to the Quora feed.
However, if the friends you wish to add have no account in Quora, there is no way for the system to add the friends you have who might be customers in the future. if you are using a Tumblr or a WordPress blog, there is a big chance to put the business you have to success.

Young marketers don’t have to worry about developing the business they have. Since social media plays a great role in your marketing success, here are a few ways in order for you to have the success you need if you plan on developing your marketing business.
The first thing you have to do is download the app, you are given easy and reliable options after you have done this such as logging using the twitter account you love to have. After that, you are asked to sign up using your phone number. Next, you have to create the username that you want, However, since your business is your focus, create a user name that would be connected to the product or brand that you have.
This would give you a great way in attracting a large number of customers. Now, here comes the great part that most marketers are waiting for – how to use it when it comes to social media marketing. Here are the following ways for you to do it. Rest assured, your chance to grow your business would be easier and no hassles on your part.

One of the great things you are allowed to do is creating a broadcast that you prefer. This would ensure you have a great way of capturing the attention of the customers in the online world. Align with this, the big opportun9y to follow people would be assured. By following the people who might be your future clients, you are giving the assurance of connecting to other users and hence keeping sure the success of the business would be assured at all times.

For new marketers, there is no harm done if you want to use one of the best apps that are similar in using your social media accounts. Beme lets you have a different take on the process of giving your business a sure way of hitting the success it has. Unlike the other social media platforms, there are no likes or shares on this one but you are sure to have the reaction of your audience through the green box located in the right corner of the screen.
Getting a video of your product would be the best thing you need to do to present the product or brand you have a large number of customers. In using Beme, you have to cover the sensor of the phone you have for about four seconds. Then, you just wait for the video to stop recording when the desired time limit I reached. This is a great to ensure that are no hassles in recording the video of the product you are selling.

One of the great thing about this app is that the sensor works even if you cover it with your own body. This is very handy for any marketers who are just only starting to have a business of their own. The easy process of using the functions of the app gives you a social marketing experience you would never forget. With this, social media marketing is made up in an authentic way so that a great approach in developing your brand would be assured.
In taking social media as a tool in your large marketing efforts, you have a sure way of giving your best in growing your business in the best possible ways you could think of. Beme lets you be creative in the way you would use social media in to innovate new business processes.

Using the social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram gives you the chance to gain traffic to your site. Posting, sharing the posts, tweeting, uploading a photo or just simply uploading a photo would create a big advantage at the start of your business. If you are an innovative marketer, there is a sure way of giving your business a large scale in the social marketing field.
With Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, you have the best way of presenting your business the world with SEO, videos, and information about you and your business. When it comes to connecting with the audience, you have a great way a great traffic using the platforms. Every beginner does the best he or she could to achieve the success he or she wants. Each social media platforms would not disappoint you in achieving the goal you have as a marketer.

The platform and apps connected to social media such as Reddit, Snapshot, Pinterest, Yik Yak, Vine, Tumblr, Quora, Medium, Beme, and Periscope gives you a sure way of innovating your marketing business to the next level by having a wide scope of the desired traffic that your website needs so that the products and services you have would be recognized. Therefore, make social media marketing a great tool to achieve a 100 guarantee of reaching success.

In the world of business today, social media has been an inexpensive tool that helps thousands of businesses in promoting their products, services, and websites to drive traffic and attract more prospective leads. You should leverage the power of social media if you want to grow your business today’s modern market.
The following chapters will guide you on how to promote a business using social media and the things that you need to know regarding the use of social media in a business setup. It is not easy to maintain a strong presence on social media but if you are guided by effective tips, the payoff will surely be incredible.
Using social media is highly suggested to increase brand presence online. Nowadays, if you want your business to be recognized well, you have to be active on every social media platforms. While this is true to many, if you already have a social media manager, it will not be time-consuming for you to remain active on all social media platforms. Here are a few social media platforms that you can rule over to promote your business:
         Twitter – Twitter is considered as a dominant democracy in the economy of social-sharing. The major keys to building a presence on Twitter are personality, brevity, and relevance. This platform is open for everyone.
         Instagram – Instagram invites all brands that have visual content to be closer to their customers. This is for businesses related to food, lifestyle, personalities, fashion, and luxury brands. You can share short videos as visual content.
         Facebook – Facebook is well-equipped when it comes to linearly sharing responses to posts asking questions or generating conversations. Any type of online ads, events, and content are allowed. It offers a personal connection for everyone.

         YouTube – YouTube is the largest and most popular social media platform for video content and ads sharing as well as explainer videos and other videos that promote a brand, business, personality, etc. YouTube videos are prominently featured in Google search engine results.
         Pinterest – Pinterest is different from other widely used search engines when it comes to recent content. Users simply pin and re-pin their posts to the Pinterest Boards, naturally pushing the content into Pinterest categories to categorize the content which is most appropriate for sharing easily and through keywords as well.
         Yelp – With Yelp you can share the details regarding your business on a company profile page. You can monitor customer feedback and respond to their concerns in reviews. This is a free advertisement and promotion. Make sure to keep information updated and consider SEO.
         Snapchat – Snapchat is another visual and mobile-only social media platform that is popular for its disappearing content. Posts are temporary and disappear within 24hrs. There is less pressure for you in creating a well-polished content. You can see the number of people who viewed your stories. This is ideal for small businesses.
         LinkedIn – LinkedIn is helpful for you if you are in the B2B field since you can focus on connecting with other business professionals in different industries. This social network focuses on relationship building where you can easily target people by job title, industry, etc.
If you have not been active on social media lately, well, now is the perfect time to stay updated for your business! Through the social media platforms above, you can easily build the online presence of your brand in a cost-effective way. Moreover, you have a lot of options to choose from. Just pick the platform(s) that you believe will efficiently work for you and you are all set.

Aiming for higher sales from social media sites? Looking for new strategies to share and promote the products of your business online? Well, you can definitely take advantage of the new features of Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. to get your products popular on social media and be seen by many users.
If you have no idea on how to get started, this chapter can surely guide through the process. There is no need for you to worry about not being savvy in using social media because in this chapter, rest assured that you will gain more understanding of how social media works to promote the products that you offer.
Here are the ways to promote the products of your business using social media that you can do:
Add links to the products in your Instagram Stories
Instagram feeds are now arranged according to popularity instead of a chronological order. That is why it is a challenging time for your business to be visible. Post Instagram Stories to be in front of your audience. Instagram allows you to add mentions and links in your posts so that it will be easier for your followers to browse and buy your products.
Import your online shop to your Facebook page
Business pages on Facebook is a great way for you to connect with your target audience to promote events and products. You can now import and feature your online store on your Facebook page directly by simply using Facebook plugins.
Display your products on Pinterest Showcase
One of the best things that Pinterest offers is its Showcase feature. Pinterest Showcase serves as a virtual storefront that is ideal for businesses to put their products on display. This is a rotating gallery that can be updated easily. You can feature themed boards in your Pinterest Showcase every week or every month.

Get in touch with customers personally on Snapchat
Snapchat ads appear between stories of friends and these are reserved for a lot of popular brands with big advertising budgets. But for businesses without the resources or the brand recognition strategies like advertising, the Snapchat stories can serve as their free and strategic channel to promote their business online. Moreover, you do not need to create well-polished posts since stories disappear within 24hrs.
Follow the 1-in-7 rule
If you have more than two social media accounts, apply the 1-in-7 rule on each as you promote your business. This means that only one of your seven posts daily shall overtly promote your business. The other six posts should be focused on valuable content which includes posts coming from communities. You can also promote your business on other posts by pairing it with a relevant content. Always include relevant content along with your promotion to keep your audience engaged.
Ask conversation-starter questions
Social media users enjoy conversations and sharing opinions. So, if you have a Facebook page, expect that your followers and other users will be more interested in relevant topics about your business. Make it a point to engage them by asking questions to start conversations. Your questions should engage and inspire them to choose your business.
Include behind the scenes videos or influencer videos
Visual content plays a vital role in social media marketing. Not only that well-captured photographs, ads, etc. are great to attract customers but most especially engaging video content. You can include YouTube video links on your Facebook posts, Instagram Stories or tweets for customers to have a bigger view of what you do in your business. User-generated content or influencer videos are very powerful as well as behind the scenes of how you produce your products and deliver your services.

Social media has significantly grown from being only a mere channel for socializing digitally and has become one of the most powerful and effective marketing tools that businesses and brands are using. However, if you are planning to promote your business using social media, you should also be aware of the pros and cons of it to be more careful and strategic in maximizing your benefits using social media.
Here are the pros and cons of social media as a promotional tool:
         It is cheaper than other marketing tools
Almost all social media networks are free for everyone to use. It is practically cheaper compared to other marketing tools since you create your own business profile easily on different platforms as well as post relevant content regularly without spending a cent.
         It exposes your brand to a larger audience
Now that we are already in a digital era, almost every person that you meet has a social media account or has the idea of using social media. This only means that your audience is not limited to a certain number.
         It builds authentic relationships
Social media is one of your channels to build a personal relationship with your customers. You can easily connect with them on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Moreover, it induces brand loyalty, has higher conversion rate, and provides marketplace insights.
You have to dedicate a lot of your time to maintain an interactive presence online.
         Prone to security breaches
Since a lot of people have access to social media, it is not impossible to encounter security breaches, scams, and fraud. Hackers are everywhere and can just break into accounts.
         Brand image may be damaged permanently
Anything you post is public and will be directly held against your business.
         ROI is hard to measure
Social media is not perfect. It is not easy to measure your gains unless your business is really a hit.

If you want your social media campaigns to be successful and effective at generating sales, you should know the things that you need to do to achieve this goal. Social media has been a proven low-cost way of advertising and promoting businesses in a fresh, subtle, and personal way. Here are the best tips that you can follow to successfully grow your business using social media:
Be consistent
In terms of your posts, how you use social media frequently, and your message, you should always be consistent. Social media campaigns became successful with consistency. Make plans of what your posts are and when you are going to post them and stick with it.
Use all social media platforms
As much as possible, if you can, utilize all platforms for maximum visibility. You may choose one or two but it is better to leverage as many as you can. You do not only gain more audience but you also improve your strategy on each platform.
Format your content to optimize for each platform
SEO is very important to attract more leads and gain higher conversions. Make sure that your content is engaging, relevant, and optimized for people to easily find you and choose your products and services.
Push on platforms that work well
As mentioned, you can use all platforms so that you can learn each platform’s strengths and weaknesses. Thus, you will know which platform works well with your campaigns.
Make sure your content aligns with your message
Pair a relevant content with the message that your business wants to share to your audience. Keep them interested by being consistent with what you post.

Sign up for HootSuite among other social media managers out there. It provides you a way to manage all accounts on a single site, scheduling your messages and be able to review and analyze brand feedback. Check it out.
Be sure update posts. Before you add a friend on your business account, make sure you have linked contents, stories, photos, and information about your industry so as these “friends” would find something interesting to look at your page and share with their friends.
For example on YouTube, you could provide informative videos about your business, satisfied customer experiences and can encourage other customers to create their own experience video. Be sure to share those video to your other accounts as well.
Find Followers and Friends. Searching keywords can help you out when looking for followers. Look for them on other people’s site and maybe you can try commenting and sharing their post as well, creating a sort of trustworthy relationship and might do the same for you. Look for famous influencers, like bloggers, media outlets, and maybe city officers as well. Hope for the best and you might find yourself with a thousand followers.
Connect with Friends. It might seem awkward, but in some cases, some followers tend to turn to be great friends when you get to know them. Some might even be strangers at first commenting on how he or she was impressed with how your business grew over the few months, then next thing you know you find yourself impressed with your new found friend’s business establishment. So it is a win-win situation to get to know one of your regular critics or avid followers.
So in all in all, the most vital thing to do when promoting your business through social media is to start and build that connecting relationship with your people.

Using the Social Media as a portal for business promotion is very familiar and popular among the people nowadays. Aside from convenience, it offers the customer a chance to look for more just by browsing. And I think you practice yourself reading more.
Various social media accounts such as Google, Facebook, Twitter and many others have become one of the alternative solutions in marketing processes. You could be successful if you manage to work your marketing strategy interesting and better than the other.
It does not necessarily mean that you just need to focus on the strategy, there are some factors too that need to be considered in order for you to successfully establish a name in social media. Some of the helpful social media strategies that you can apply in order for your business promotion to be effective are the following. Just follow this idea and for sure, you will have a better business promotion in Social Media.
This is the initial step that should be done. You should first look for the possible idea of a business that you want to engage in social media. Assess everything. The business itself, the assets, the target customers and even the idea on how you will gain the attention of the people in the media. You should intelligently and diligently expose the business promotions.
You can create any account in Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter and other common social media accounts and even create your own business page where you can advertise all =the business promotions. It will be the most convenient and easy way to manage the promotional advertisement. It is advisable that you look for a social media account that is popular and at the same time accessible to the large audience.

Having multiple accounts in social media is hassle and time-consuming. It would be nice if you first sign up for a specific media account that will serve as the manager of all the social media accounts you have created. With this, you can easily manage the accounts just by using a single site and even create messages to be deployed in the different social media accounts.  In addition, you can use statistics regarding with the promotional flow of the business. You need not worry in the dissemination of the business promotion in the media accounts.
Researching for the business competitor’s promotion will definitely be helpful in your part because you can acquire some of the ideas that they integrated into the promotions. By just reading their promotions, you will eventually learn how they run the promotions through social media and this will be the best hint for you to employ the ideas that would be helpful in your part. Analyze the content strategy they used, check for the number of followers or fan and the posting frequency, the likes and shares and even comments. You should study everything about your competitor’s way of attracting an audience.
Creating a content that will catch the audience interest is a little problematic. The content must be meaningful and understandable in order for the business promotion responsive in the eyes of the prospective clients. You can use any form of content strategy by means of text or even videos and messages that are highly focused on what the promotion is all about.
Business promotion by means of various social media accounts may be effective tools in spreading the word of your business. You just need to carefully analyze, study and apply necessary information essential for the business promotion to click in the audience.

Social Media has played most of the major role in information dissemination. It has been the leading platform in almost all the business updates today starting from the basic knowledge, in everything too complicated ideas of anything, social media have every of this. Even the best ideas and insights are accessible anytime. You are free to have it all at once just by opening a single social media account.
Business sector uses social media just to do the same. Earning popularity to a large audience would make their business successful. Business people engage in social media definitely understand how effective it would be if their business would be exposed in social media.
Retail business in particular often uses social media to promote their business in many ways. Through social media, it is possible to have easy customer relations, increased brand awareness and online purchases that eventually lead to a more convenient way of promoting certain products or services.
Business professionals have accepted the fact that using social media as a portal for retail business is a very effective one and does not compromise any of the business agendas. Social Media has affected retail business in terms of the following concepts:
Customer Trends
If your retail business has a strong social media presence, you can easily identify what the customers demand in your business. The color, sizes, the design and even the quality of the product. Through social media you have the opportunity to respond to the target prospects who show interest in your retail business.
Check for the comments and shares of the business to observe the trends and preferences of the customers. Through this, you can create an interactive social space that most of your customer would enjoy to listen to any recommendations of the products.

Social media feedback will determine the condition of your product in the audience. It may be a double edge sword in your part; the one indicates for your responsiveness in building brand and gaining customer loyalty while the other is for the restraint against the negative comments in your brand.
People in social media always have the right to voice out their sights on a particular product or situation. Even though it seems like this way, you are need to compose yourself and think that everything is just for the benefit of the business. More on business talk and not personal. The feedback determines how you will improve and modify your product to make it better than before.
Reduce Marketing Cost
Using social media in retail business lessens the burden of expenses. All the information that is cost basis can be cut down using media accounts. The communications between customers, the promotional offers, the products sales and announcement, surveys and customer feedback is the many marketing strategies that are traditionally run by money. Through the use of social media, you can easily employ this strategy via social media. You now have a chance to leverage all the possible expenses generated by the old way of retail business.
Social Media became the initiator of change in almost all the industry of the world. It redefines the business environment and the communication between the retailer and the consumer. Well, it is not surprising to be like this, since we are in an environment that could easily change. Retailing is considered as a social activity and through social media, it even becomes useful in marketing and retailing of the brands.
As the long run of business dominates the society, the social media modifies the traditional retail business which eventually transforms it into a more convenient and effective one. Just follow all the essential factors in order for your business to be a success in social media. You have the idea and you must work for it to be more successful.

Social media has risen to be one of the most influential and most actively participated-on technological application by various individuals from the regular Joe to the high ranking CEO of a prestigious establishment or even a famous and celebrated high profile celebrity. The medium has seen a significant rise thanks to the coming of the era of Mobile Devices equipped with the capacity to go online from anywhere, giving you access to the web via mobile data or wireless fidelity connection (WIFI) on–the- go.
This sudden development and uprising in the tech and software industry have made it possible to communicate anything and everything about yourself, a group gathering or even a government induced program or event. Through this medium individuals from all over the world can share and create content online, can participate in a hundred or thousands of social networking applications, promote certain products and technology.
This needs awareness to start kicking of sales, and so many other task or jobs involving marketing and creating a wide area of visibility concerning an individual of importance, a product with benefits to health or even a Charity organization that has just started and looking for sponsors and beneficiaries.
This “method of sharing and communicating” has proven itself to be a viable option in gaining audience and traction for a “just beginning” business especially if you are looking for an option that is cost-effective in its entirety only needing to have that financial back up when the business start racking up the customers and sales leads that is generated through the medium.
Popular social platforms like Facebook and Tweeter have become massive giants both in fad and marketing schemes that they now provide a way for various businesses to get loads of data about their clients and also provide an easy way to get in touch with them. Making social no longer as just an option for your business ventures.

How can the medium benefit your business? Here’s why:
With the insurgence of various industries that start out promoting and marketing on various social network apps, it is no wonder why so many upstart businessmen are looking to dive into it as well.
Social Media, has been proven to be an inexpensive way to promote business and share numerous content without the worry of your bank account, it is safe to assume that the surging medium is now the go-to-business trade in the current generation of social software marketing. Fledgling entrepreneurs would be thrilled to know these tips on how to start promoting your business in a modern way.
How to Start
Assess your Resources. Before you start your social campaign, the first thing to do is to know what you are trying to advocate. What your resources and assets are? Who are your targeted clients? This is important, for not being able to have a clear definition of what you are promoting could lead to low sales and a weak consumer awareness.
Start Signing-Up. Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Facetime, and Youtube. With the F.B. app, you have the option of creating a business page rather than just your personal profile page. After reading the business guidelines, you can begin and start by clicking “create a page” on your personal account if the business allows it. Perfect for small business managers. On Youtube, Your business and product could really benefit from the exposure.
Look for a Social Media Manager. If you ever plan on really starting your business and rely heavily on your online marketing campaign via the social network sites, you would be best off signing up for multiple accounts to further enhance your business to generate sales and leads.
With this in mind, managing multiple network accounts can be a pretty demanding task for an individual hence why you should look for a way to manage all of them without you having to sit through all them just to keep tabs on client’s messages.

With the insurgence of various industries that start out promoting and marketing on various social network apps, it is no wonder why so many upstart businessmen are looking to dive into it as well.
Social Media, has been proven to be an inexpensive way to promote business and share numerous content without the worry of your bank account, it is safe to assume that the surging medium is now the go-to-business trade in the current generation of social software marketing. Fledgling entrepreneurs would be thrilled to know these tips on how to start promoting your business in a modern way.
How to Start:
Assess your Resources. Before you start your social campaign, the first thing to do is to know what you are trying to advocate. What your resources and assets are? Who are your targeted clients? This is important, for not being able to have a clear definition of what you are promoting could lead to low sales and a weak consumer awareness.
Start Signing-Up. Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Facetime, and Youtube. With the F.B. app, you have the option of creating a business page rather than just your personal profile page. After reading the business guidelines, you can begin and start by clicking “create a page” on your personal account if the business allows it. Perfect for small business managers. On Youtube, Your business and product could really benefit from the exposure.

Look for a Social Media Manager. If you ever plan on really starting your business and rely heavily on your online marketing campaign via the social network sites, you would be best off signing up for multiple accounts to further enhance your business to generate sales and leads.
With this in mind, managing multiple network accounts can be a pretty demanding task for an individual hence why you should look for a way to manage all of them without you having to sit through all them just to keep tabs on client’s messages.
Be sure update posts. Before you add a friend on your business account, make sure you have linked contents, stories, photos, and information about your industry so as these “friends” would find something interesting to look at your page and share with their friends.
For example on Youtube, you could provide informative videos about your business, satisfied customer experiences and can encourage other customers to create their own experience video. Be sure to share those video to your other accounts as well.
Find Followers and Friends. Searching keywords can help you out when looking for followers. Look for them on other people’s site and maybe you can try commenting and sharing their post as well, creating a sort of trustworthy relationship and might do the same for you. Look for famous influencers, like bloggers, media outlets, and maybe city officers as well. Hope for the best and you might find yourself with a thousand followers.
Connect with Friends. It might seem awkward, but in some cases, some followers tend to turn to be great friends when you get to know them. Some might even be strangers at first commenting on how he or she was impressed with how your business grew over the few months, then next thing you know you find yourself impressed with your new found friend’s business establishment. So it is a win-win situation to get to know one of your regular critics or avid followers.
So in all in all, the most vital thing to do when promoting your business through social media is to start and build that connecting relationship with your people.

Business owners must look for an achievable goal that will help the company grow and develop. As your business grow, it is a need for you to think of the best strategies that will be suitable and effective for your company. The following are considered to be the best advertising strategies:
Brand Well
Is your brand appealing to the audience? Can people identify or recognize your ads immediately? If not, you need to improve your brand. But the question will be how? You can get an idea to some of your competitors.
As much as possible you need to observe what your competitors do to attract the people. It is not that you are going to copy the brand or the strategy of your competitor you will just need to get an idea for you to better improve your brand.
Sometimes, your brand only needs color or an appealing image. You can always adjust the color of your brand as long as it will be good the eyes and can be recognized easily by your customers.
Know the perfect time to advertise.
There is always a perfect time to advertise. Do not be in a hurry. Do not spend too much. You need to know when to launch your business. Though advertising is very helpful but it doesn’t mean that you need to advertise your business or product from time to time.
If the product that you are selling is seasonal, you need to put some effort in advertising on holidays and on highest-performing seasons like Christmas and Black Friday. As much as possible, you need to set aside a budget for you to be able to advertise or launch your product on this important and special season. It will also be an advantage to be observant on when your other competitors will launch their products.

Know where to show up.
It is important to know the right place where you can be able to promote your business or your products. Remember that there will always be in danger when you make a lot of assumptions especially about your potential customers.
For example, there is this channel on the television that you really like, and then you assume that your target customers also like that channel too, you may only be misinformed about it and as a result you spend too money on that TV ad.
Problems will always occur because of too much assumptions. Do not spend your money on advertising in the wrong place, it will just a waste of time and money. The perfect thing to do is to know your customers well, know what they want and what they usually do.
You can do a survey if you only have limited information. When you finally know the right place on where to advertise, you will now start to attract lots of customers which will then lead to company’s growth and success.
Set a Goal.
This is the most important thing to do to in order to achieve great success through advertising. It is best to know first the answer on this two major questions which are “What do I want to achieve?” and “How can I achieve it?” These are the common questions that needs to be answered properly for you to be able to identify your goals as well as the ways on how you can achieve it.
Setting a goal is useful since this will be the start of everything. Advertising will be effective if you know how to handle it well. You need to prioritize the brand and your product. If everything is ready then it will be the perfect time for you to launch your product.


Advertising is considered to be investment. It is one of the latest and most effective way to launch a particular product. To some business owners it is just a waste of money for it requires a lot of money. But today, you are going to know some of the helpful and low cost advertising tips.
Tip No. 1
Try to use editorial style. What is editorial style? It is an ad in the newspaper that usually looks like a story. This is considered to be one of the best strategy that you can do for you to not spend too much money. This will be very effective if you create and develop a headline that is very appealing to the readers.
Tip No. 2
Sponsor a small event. If you are in a low budget and you want to launch your product in the low cost and simplest way then you try to sponsor a small event in a community. It can be festival or a fun run or any other event where there will be lots of people. It may not be a big event where you can display your company’s name and product but the positive exposure that develops will also be a great help to make new customers.
Tip No. 3
Look for specialists in magazine, radio or even in newspaper that can offer a free help or strategy for developing an advertisement. As they provide you strategies, focus on the money-saving ways that can surely help you in producing an effective and appealing ad.
Tip No. 4
Develop an ad that will help you sell. Do not produce an award winning ad, produce ads that helps to sell more. The message of each is add is always important.
Tip No. 5
Look for an advertisement partner where you can share the cost of each ad. Pizza parlors is an example of a natural partner. You can share the cost of each flyers or you can have a shared coupon to each stores.

Tip No. 6
Start to produce a small ad. A 60 second ad can always make a difference especially if your ad is something to be interesting to talk about. Having a short but meaningful ad can pull lots of customers. You don’t to spend too much in 15-30 mins. Ad where there is no significance at all. It is best to produce a small ad where people can relate and can connect.
Tip No. 7
Create a blog. It is one of the cheapest way to promote a business. Try to create a relevant blog that will keep the customers updated on the changes as well as what’s new in your company. If your blog is something that is unique and can catch the attention of the customers then expect for a good response.
Tip No. 8
Promote your business by means of social media. Facebook as well as Twitter are considered to be the best and free platforms that businesses can use in launching their products. Social media is the best choice especially if you don’t have enough budget for advertising.
Tip No. 9
Offer rewards or incentives. If you have a customer for many years, then they are worthy to give a reward or incentives. They will surely appreciate it and they will be very happy. It will also be a way to in promoting your product those customers will also recommend you to other people.
Tip No. 10
Provide free consultations. It is always great for the customers to experience a free costumers for it gives them the opportunity to more about your business and your products. Aside from that, you can also be able to know more about the things they need and they want. Since this is only a free consultation, then there’s no need for you to spend too much.

Advertising greatly affects the company’s growth and development. Today, it is one of fastest way for your business to grow especially now that very second there are new brands, new products and new service that pops up from time to time.
Advertising is considered to be one of the most important in modern marketing since a particular business needs a strategy to better promote new products and services. Though there a lot of ways to promote a product or business, but advertising is today’s latest trend in promoting any business in a fast and affordable way.
Though advertising people get to more about the company and its product. Advertising will always be significant in modern marketing since it has the ability to reach millions of potential customers around the world. If you are going to observe there are lot of changes and one of this is the fact that everyone can already communicate in the entire world.
Advertising is not just about promoting any product but also it provides information about a particular brand so that people will not be confused nor assume what is kind of particular product or service is being advertised.
What makes advertising different from others is that it provides great benefits both for the consumer as well as for retailer. Competitions is everywhere in the world of business that is why it best to use advertising as marketing strategies in order to boosts all the competitions at the same time keeps the business running and developing.
It also helps the company’s name and reputation. Advertising is helpful especially if your company is having some issues or bad image from the audiences. If a business uses advertising properly, it can totally help the business to survive and eliminate all the bad images and issues against them.

We all know that advertising is playing a vital role in modern business because it is used as an effective tool for marketing. Business owners uses advertising because first of all it increases the sale. We cannot deny the fact the advertising is now in demand because of its ability to increase millions of sales. It only just helps in increasing the production but also helps to increase the sale.
Since there are millions of people that are unemployed today, advertising in today’s modern marketing also provides employment. Advertising is now become bigger that is why bigger opportunities also comes along the way.
Through advertising, millions of people all over the world is now employed. It is a good thing to know that when a particular products or goods is in demand, there is a big possibility that new factories will be going to established and there will be job vacancies. It only means that employment rate will increase because of advertising.
Advertising is always an advantage for all the customers. It will not be difficult for them to know what the newest product in the market are since they are always keep updated with the information that they need to know. Through this, producer can also saves time and money since the product can be introduced directly to the market. People can purchase any products directly from the company.
It also makes the any job easy especially for salesmen. There is no need for them to explain everything about a particular product since it has been advertised. Customers also will no longer asks so many questions because they are now well informed with the products that they are going to purchase. A salesmen can easily sell a product effortlessly. This is a great advantage not just for the salesmen but also for the customers and for the company.
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No matter how good is your product and services if it is not advertised properly then no one can recognize about it. It will always be an advantage if you know how to use advertising as a strategy in promoting your business and services. Here are the important tips to help you create an effective advertising campaign:
Tip # 1 Know Your Competitors
As much as possible you need to know the advantage of your competitors so that you will know the pros of your company. This will be a key for you develop a unique strategy and for you to make a competitive edge.
Tip # 2 Invest in Advertising
There will no development if you will not invest in advertising. Advertising greatly affects the company’s growth and development. To make advertising successful, it is need for you to invest. It may be cost so much money, but you need to believe that advertising really works.
Tip # 3 Check and Test Your Advertisement Ahead of Time
It is always best to check and test your advertisement ahead of time so that you will not regret of the problems that you may encounter after launching your advertisement in television, radio station and in  other places. Have some professional to take a look into your ad listen to their feedback and their recommendations for you to be able to improve your ad.
Tip # 4 Keep an eye in your ads
Keeping an eye in your ads will help you know the areas of the ads which is not effective. Proper monitoring is very important since it is a way for you to identify the reaction or the feedbacks of the customers regarding the ads they see and they heard. It is always best to keep updating your ads.

Tip # 5 Diversify
It is common to all business owners that they need to choose the perfect place where they can advertise their product and services. Knowing the right place is an advantage and it is also a great strategy for you to promote your product and services to a lot of people. It is also an opportunity for you to know the place that you can promote for your future products and services.
Tip # 6 Build an image
People can always recognize you because of your brand and image. A good example is Jollibee. For many years Jollibee is the leading food chain all over the world. You don’t need to copy the name Jollibee because of its popularity but rather you need to establish your own image.
An image that is appealing can attract a lot of potential customers. You need to build a name that is suitable to the product that you are about to launch. It is important to advertise a product or services with a good image.
Tip # 7 Know Your Prioritize
You need to know the products that you are going to advertise. It must be the best products and services that you are known for. It is always be an advantage for a company and for the customers if they know the best products and services that you offer.
Knowing your priorities will also be an effective strategy since you are going to have an idea if the product and services that you are promoting is still the best today. If not you have to promote new products and services that can attract potential customers.
The tips that are mentioned above are considered to be effective in advertising any campaign. It is your choice on what tip you are going to use.

There are a lot of job opportunities in the world of advertising and it is now in demand all over the world. The following are the expected careers in advertising:
Advertising Account Executives
Advertising account executives are responsible in presenting ideas for the campaign and as well as the budget. They usually assist in formulating marketing strategies to better improve the company. They are also the ones who handles and manage the budget and campaign costs. They monitor the effectiveness of each campaign and maintains good communication between the staff and with the clients.
Advertising and Marketing Managers
Advertising and marketing managers are responsible in planning promotional and advertising campaigns. They usually work with staff and with the department heads and discuss important topics such contracts, budgets, marketing plan and a lot more. Develop several strategies for pricing a particular product. They meet potential clients and provide them a technical or marketing advice.
Advertising Workers
Advertising workers most begins in a low level positions or any other job that is related in advertising. Individuals in this kind of career must expect to attend meetings and seminar. They must also expect that they will always be involved in developing company’s advertisements and campaigns to be able to meet the needs and expectations of the client.
Art Directors
Art directors are typically determine the best images and visual style for newspapers, magazines, product packaging as well as in televisions and movie productions. They supervise all the design staff. They are also responsible in reviewing all the designs, graphics, photography and artwork that was developed by the staff members of a company. They also talk to the clients and usually develop a stylish and artistic approach. They also the ones who presents the designs to all the clients for review and for approval.

Business Managers
Business managers are usually those who supervise and oversee the activities of the company and the employees. Most businesses rely on the managers to keep the employees aligned with company’s mission, vision and goals. They are responsible in reporting important things to some of the top executives from a big organization.
They are also the ones who hire new employees, train them and evaluate them. They ensure that there are always available resources for the employees to finish their work. Sometimes, business managers also performs activities in human resource like hiring, disciplining, and in the performance evaluation of the employees in each department.
Demographers are those who study the distribution, trends and make up of populations. They also the ones who make some observations regarding the cause and effect of the continuous change in population such as immigration and increase of the birth rates.
They usually collects and analyze statistical data and predict trends in the future. As they already analyze the specific data and predict trends for the future they can be able to help the governments, private and social service agencies to plan in advance. Demographer are sometimes called sociologists.
Graphic Designers
The Graphic designers are the ones who create graphics or visual concepts by the use of the hand or through the computer software. They are responsible in developing and the production of layout and design for magazines, advertisements, corporate reports and brochures.
Graphic designer usually select the best color, text style, layout and images for a particular project. They also review the design to ensure that there will be no error before it will be printed or published. They also incorporate all the changes that was recommended by their clients to better improve their final design.
Other Careers
Aside from the careers that are mentioned above, Marketing Research Analysts, Public Opinion Researches, Telemarketers, Media Planners and Buyers and Statisticians are also some of the expected careers in advertising.

In today’s digital generation, only the most hardworking remains on the top. With this, if you are one of the most aspiring business individuals, then you must develop the best strategies and more innovative solutions to make the most out of your business. To mention one, among the best things that you can do to grow your business is to engage on advertising.
Advertising can help you to transform your business goals and missions into reality. Meanwhile, to further guide you, the following are the types of advertising that you can use to increase your brand recognition.
Broadcast Media
If you want to reach a wide audience, then you can promote your business through television and radio. Here, people who are in far flung places can be reached without spending much of your money. As a result, you can have the chance to boost your sales and income in just an easy, reliable as well as professional manner.
With just a simple message or commercial about your business on radio and television, you can now reach your target audience as much as possible. However, make sure that you will create a more effective advertisement that can catch the attention of your potential customers.
Print Media
It is a fact that people love reading newspapers and magazines for entertainment and other purposes. Well, you can probably use these print media to promote your products or services. These are credible advertising mediums for you to achieve your business goals in the best possible way.
Online Advertising
It cannot be denied that online media is already a big part of the daily lifestyle of the millions of people all over the world. It is very helpful in all aspects of life including communication, entertainment, education and most of all for the success of your business.

Product Placement
Product Placement is considered as one of the latest advertising techniques that you can use to elevate your business on the top of your industry or niche. The good thing about this advertising technique is that you can have the chance to offer TV shows, video game or movie with a compensation to utilize your product while providing entertainment for their audience.
Here, they will able to promote your product in a positive way that can help you to build a solid reputation and good name in the industry. In return, you can earn the trust and support of a thousands of customers. Even more important, you can also build strong relationships with the people which can be your regular customers. With this, you can have the opportunity to be one of the most sought after companies in your particular field.
Direct Marketing
It is natural that communication is a very important factor for a successful business operation. Well, if you want to communicate effectively with your target audience, you can use the direct marketing technique.
With this advertising technique, you can use email, direct mail and telemarketing. To mention a few, you can engage on monthly or weekly email newsletters to promote your brand for a long period of time in just a very wallet friendly cost. Another, direct marketing strategy can also help you to track easily the response rate of your valuable customers.
With the above mentioned types of advertising, you can surely grow your business in a more professional and reliable way. You can now establish great level of sales and income with your own business.  In addition to this, you can now promote your business to a large audience.  All you have to do is to select the best advertising technique to satisfy your business’ needs.  

If you are a newbie on the business industry, then you must be aware that advertising can be one of the most important tools that you need in order to achieve a higher plateau of success for your business. Whether you own a small, medium or large enterprise, then it is highly suggested for you to use a more efficient advertising strategy to establish a good name in the industry.
In connection to this, if you are a business enthusiast who wants to reap fortune after fortune, then you must use online advertising. In today’s digital generation, online media is one of the most common communication tools that people used today.
With this, you can also have the chance to use the online media to make helpful advertisements for your small or medium business’ success. If you are a business owner who has high standards but is conscious to budget, then online advertising is the perfect one for you. To further convince you with this advertising technique, the following are some of the valuable reasons why you need this for your business’ success.
To stay ahead of the competition in your niche
It is a fact that competition is really tough nowadays to different kinds of business. If you want to remain on the competition, then you can use online advertising to elevate your business in the industry. It is very helpful to grow your small or medium business within a short period of time and in a more professional manner.
As a result, you can now make your business as one of your efficient and dependable money making engine that can help you to support your daily needs. In addition to this, you can also have a rewarding business that can provide you with an abundant and joyful life.

Increase your sales and income
For sure, you want to earn a specific amount of money with your small, medium or even big enterprise, therefore, you can use online advertising to increase the traffic of your brand. There are many online channels that you can widely choose from to transform your business goals into reality in an easy as well as quick way.
The good thing about online advertising is that you can reach a large audience in just one click. With this, you can save more amount of your hard earned money, time as well as effort. Meanwhile to attain a successful business operation, you must also remember to choose a professional and trustworthy business partner that can help you to meet your online advertising needs.
Maintain the reputation of your company
No matter how big or small your business is, it is important to have a solid reputation with the public. Thus, it is an essential ingredient to earn the trust and support of your thousands of customers. In relation to this, you can also build strong and family like relationships with your clients. In return, you can have them as your walking advertisers.
If you already established a good name in your business niche, you can continue to operate your business in the market without receiving any negative impression from your particular customers.
Easy communication
Through online advertising, you can directly reach to your specific target audience. You do not need to spend a lot of money just to boost the brand recognition of your small or medium business. With various online media advertising channels, you can also have the opportunity to learn the things that can hinder your business success. As a result, you already know what not to do the next time.
With online advertising, you can surely succeed with your business.

A business will never succeed without advertising. It is therefore advisable for you to use the best advertising strategies to grow your business. It is an essential ingredient for you to be one of the most reputable companies in your particular market. 
However, it is a mere fact that advertising your business is never an easy task that others might think. With this, the best solution that you can make is to hire a professional and well reputable advertising company. With this, you will no longer worry about the possible problems that may occur in some future time with your business operations.
The best reasons why you need to hire an expert for your advertising needs are best summed up in the following examples.
Boost your brand recognition in a very practical cost   
If you want to receive high level of savings, hiring an expert advertising agency is the best decision that you can make. It is necessary so that you will be able to focus more on the other needs of your business. Leaving the advertising responsibility to the experts can help you to attain peace of mind and relaxation when it comes to promoting your business.
You can also free from additional burden since they can offer you the best advertising services in just a very wallet friendly and economical cost.
Right skills
If you are a newbie in the business industry, advertising your particular business is a daunting task. Thus, it requires a high level of knowledge, skills and experience before you can produce a creative, well presented and catchy business advertisement. Well, by simply hiring a fully licensed advertising agency, you can have a valuable partner for you to meet your business’ advertising needs.

High level of creativity
When it comes to advertising your particular products or services, it is not enough to just create an advertisement. Instead, it is very important to produce a high quality of advertisement that will attract the attention of your potential customers.
With this, you must need to hire an expert to have a rewarding and satisfying advertising techniques that can help you to elevate your business on the top of your industry or niche. Well, if you have a reliable and professional advertising partner, you can make the most out of your advertising needs. In return, you can make sure that the hard earned budget, time as well as the effort that you have invested for your business are all worth it to reach the success that you are actually aiming for.
In addition to this, you can also have the chance to develop a more innovative marketing strategy that can help to boost the sales and profits of your business. With this, you can receive the highest possible level of happiness as well as satisfaction for your business advertising needs.
Great support
If you hire an advertising company, then you can expect to have a supportive team that will always be there for you to support your every need. If you ever encounter any problem with your advertising campaign, you will immediately receive the best solution to it.
Thus, a trustworthy and reliable advertising agency are always willing to lend their helping hand to provide you with an excellent customer service that you have been looking for. If you are a business enthusiast that wants to reap success after success, then you must be careful enough in choosing the best advertising company that can help your business grow in the best possible way. Well, you better hire an advertising expert now!   

Advertisement and marketing are often acknowledged the same. Marketing and advertising are very crucial aspects of any business; however, they are different from each other. One should know that very small line drawn between marketing and advertising. The knowledge regarding the difference between marketing and advertising helps the business to grow to extreme heights.
What is Advertising?
In case you didn’t know yet, advertisement is the most sought after and common way of popularizing a certain product or service. With advertising, the manufacturer attempts to showcase the positive aspects of an item, and how it’s advantageous for the consumer. In simple words, we can tell that advertising is the art of selling its services and products. Further, an advertising method must contain particular features, which help in its promotion, and these include:
-          Advertise the unique aspects of the product
-          It must be easily reached by the audience
-          The advertisement of the product must be a unique one
-          It has a well-defined market for the product.
Such features not just aid in good advertising, but it also guarantees the acceptance of the product within the market for a long period.
What is Marketing?
On the other hand, marketing is a more technical word than advertising, which includes more control and planning over several aspects. The marketing manager works in collaboration along with product and research manager at the best available market and buyers for the product. The manager selects the best potential market for the service or product that includes retailers, wholesalers, general consumers or government. In a nutshell, marketing talks about the art of making a demand for a certain item in different markets. Moreover, marketing also talks about pricing of the product for making the most of the profits together with offering customer satisfaction.

Difference Between Marketing and Advertising
As mentioned earlier, people sometimes ignore the slight difference between marketing and advertising. Thus, both marketing and advertising are normally utilized for one another. However, both marketing and advertising are different in several aspects. Some of their difference includes:
-          Different processes: Marketing is known to be a planned process where everything is controlled, planned and implemented, while advertising works on the fast approach of promoting a certain product via hoardings, the internet, and newspapers.
-          Component or Marketing Process: When we a get a wider look at both terms, then we know that marketing and advertising aren’t the same. Instead, advertising is a crucial component of the entire marketing process.
Advertising does have particular rules, which can be followed and if followed will help tip the odds in favor of a thriving campaign. Every effort at advertising must include the following in one form or another. Such principles have worked for many years and have made lots of services and products national brands.
Showing your prospect how the item works is a crucial step. By showing how simple your item is to use, you’re giving the customer a reason to purchase. Through demonstrating the item, you involve them and help to visualize themselves by using your product successfully.
Perhaps you have the best widget in the land. It performs each other widget out there. You developed it and manufacturer in your basement. Yet, you don’t have sales? But why? You should educate your prospect. Tell the audience what is it, how they can use it, and how well it is made. Give them all the details they need so they’re informed.
Advertising and marketing are somewhat subjective that it can be difficult to know what effective marketing or advertising looks like.

Paid Per Share (PPS) Advertising Method
Social media affects the way we see things this day. When there is a lot of share and views that we can see below the link or inside the site, it means that they are getting much attention from the different viewers that are why they are using the social media as a way of advertising their name and attract many clients to their sites. One way of advertising in the different Internet platforms is the Paid per Share advertising; it commonly took place in the platforms that have the involvement of many users per day.
How paid per share advertising works?
Since most of the users are using social media platforms, you have to make a post or page that anchored to your business. It can be free if you are the one who will do all the things, however, if you are going to ask the assistance of experts, they are going to charge you for the services but you can sure, that you will meet your aim at the end of the process.
People that will share your ad to the other user will get a commission that is why it is effective to use as a marketing of your business. 
Benefits of Paid per Share (PPS) advertising
·         Here are some of the things that PPS to your marketing:
·         Paid per Share is cost effective
·         It will give your site traffic and revenue
·         Success in marketing is as assurance
·         It will give your site more attention since it commonly takes place on the social media platform
·         There is a big chance that your company’s product and services can easily advertise by many social media users
Marketing method such as paid per share is very effective to get the attention of many social media users. It can also help your business to get the interest of potential clients that want to avail and test your offer. You just have to be positive and trust the users that will share your ad to the platforms.  

Paid Per Click Advertising Method
Social media creates a great impact with the promotion of business that helps them to generate more sales, and be known in the industry. Therefore, if you are just a beginner, you might consider adverting in social media.
There are many things that you can do in order to increase the promotion of your site. Every click that a user made with your website will generate more traffic to your website and that is a very effective way of advertising your business in the social media. One way that you can use as an advertising in the social media is the method of pay per click (PPC).
How PPC works?
PPC generally is a way to increase the traffic to your website. It uses keywords that will appear in the SEO that will lead to your website that will give you the exposures. Both the customers and the service provider will get the benefits of this method. The company will pay for the click of the visitor, the visitor will get an email, and pop up that will lead to the site of the business provider.
How is PPC beneficial?
PPC is popular in the Internet platforms such as the social media because it gives them more traffics in a fewer effort ways. Various users can easily view their site and the users can get the commission for every click they made.  It is also a good way to have the company’s site appear often in the search engines.
When there is a traffic in your site, it means that you are having many visitors that look on the products and services that you offer in the business. An effective PPC marketing has the grates impact on the performance of the business and generates more sales every day that is vital to get more revenue.
Paid per Click is a common advertising method that used on the internet to increase the marketing of the business. It is a good way to attract attention from users and visitor to view your site. You just need a better marketing plan order to achieve success in your marketing. You do not even have to worry about the money you will let go in the process, you can assure that there is a fast result.

Paid For View Advertising Method
There are many ways to advertise the name of business products and services; however, the easiest and successful way in advertising is the use of Internet generally the social media platforms. One way of advertising using this platform is the method called the PPV advertising or the “Paid Per View Advertising”.  It became popular because it can easily generate traffic to a site that will increase your sales online. 
How does Paid per Click advertising works?
Technically they mess with the site and create pop ups that will link to your site, it is an adware that gets or attention like “Click Me!” but you have to sign up first to the site that creates this adware’s in order to participate in every activity they have.
You can post you add to the site and will do the rest for you. You can also click ads from your account if you want to have a commission from the other site. That is how it works, they help you with the advertising, and you help them to advertise their other clients.
Benefits of Paid per View (PPV) Advertising
In terms of marketing of your business, PPV is effective and you can see many reasons why you should use it to advertise on different social media platforms. Below is the most considerable reason to consider the vitality of using PPV.
    Advertising in this method is not expensive
    PPV will ensure the success with your advertising
    It is very effective to attract potential clients and get their attention
    Some of the adds don’t need to be click in order for the video to play
PPV advertising will help your site to generate more traffic generates more revenue from the other platforms. You have to understand well how the add works in order to assure that you meet the success even you are not following the trends and activity of the different platforms.

There are a lot of ways to market a product or service on the internet, which a lot of people never become great at any of them. This results in advertising mistakes, which can be avoided. Here are some of them:
-          Insufficient focus on one advertising method – This is a typical mistake you observe made by interne advertising newbies. They shift all over the place trying different forms of internet advertising to learn how to perform one method prior to taking on the second one. Thus, they don’t develop meaningful traffic to their site because they don’t stick with something long enough for it to be thriving.

-          Not testing and tracking the results – Think of it, how can you know what’s working in your advertising methods if you are not keeping track of the results it’s presenting? You must continuously be testing and tracking results and making adjustments to enhance the ads you’re running.

-          Not opting to paid advertising – Everybody prefers to do as nearly free or methods of advertising as they can. Even though this is particularly a great idea from a cost point of view, you must avoid paid advertising as it can cost you a lot. Later on, you need to find several paid advertising methods, which work for you. If you concentrate on pay per click advertising, banner advertising, ezine advertising, buying visitors and much more. Some paid advertising is a crucial part of having a balance and equal marketing mix.

-          Having unreasonable expectations – The online world is a huge world and to expect on the ad to make a big difference in the success isn’t a reasonable expectation. You need to check watch your advertising in the overall scheme of stuff and know that there are many competitions online at the same time take time for you to accomplish results and making adjustments to enhance the ads you’re running.

Here are other common advertising mistakes you need to avoid.
-          Focusing on services or products – If you wish to get the attention of your potential customers, talk to their wants and needs. The primary concern of your prospects isn’t that you have been in the business for 25 years. Utilize your ads to determine at least one common issue of your potential customers as well as the benefit of utilizing your products or service.

-          Advertising could be one of the quickest means and grow the business or it could be the quickest wants to ruin your business. Through the right ad, you can attract to the business and boost your profits. A wrong ad can lead you to bankruptcy right away. For you to grow your business, you should attract the attention of your potential clients, advertising could aid you to do so when you utilize it properly. Unluckily, a lot of small business owners spend thousands of money on advertising efforts, which only acquire minimal results.

-          Making use of wrong words – Bear in mind, a word here is a phrase where you can change your response rate by 100%. If you spend cash on advertising, test a number of versions of the copy to determine the one, which works best.

-          Having weak marketing message – Too often you hear ads and it will take some thought to determine what they are even promoting. Ensure your advertisement consist of 7 to 10-word description of whom your product or service you serve, as well as the issues you solve so people who hear or read your ad will know how you can help them.

Common PPC Advertising Mistakes
Sending searchers to the home page – If you set up an online ad campaign with Yahoo, Google or Bing, you make the decision on which page which prospects lands on after clicking on your ad. Setting up your business is different online than it’s at your physical store. If individual clicks on the PPC ad, they’re looking for something specific. Ensure you bring them to the exact service or product they need.
Making generic copy – Did you know that through PPC ads, you have limited space to get the message out? Each single word counts. Utilizing generic words like excellent, superior and quality are costing you money. While such statements are true to the business, you need to target what the customer searched for, as they most likely aren’t searching for the business details, but they like to know how your service can help them fix their issue.
Secure high placement with the ads to score – Every search engine makes use of the method for identifying the ad’s impression and position. For instance, Google makes use of a combination of ad relevancy and the bid price. You should bid properly and make use of tight keywords in the ads as well as the landing page to get a placement on the search engines. Did you know that it’s estimated that around 85% of traffic generated from PPC comes from the ads within the top 3 positions of the page?
One mistake small businesses make is when they get a campaign running, they stop and let the campaign run. That’s a mistake! To keep on top, you’ll like to test other campaigns, add some keywords in a current campaign and split test the ads. By optimizing, you’ll also find keywords, which aren’t working anymore, at the same time cost you money with no results.

It is normal to use inefficient advertising method, commit potential mistakes during marketing, achieve poor and unexpected results, and attain less growth. When it’s been a few months you have been struggling, take advantage of the internet. With just a few clicks of a mouse, you will be able to give an excellent method a try.
But the selection of marketing solution is not going to be easy. As a matter of fact, it will be more difficult than expected. To have an excellent advertising technique or get the most out of it, it would be best to grab the one that can turn all your dreams into reality. With that thought in mind, the following benefits would be 100% guaranteed.
Introduces a new product in a wide range of market
Marketing plays a vital role when it comes to the introduction of a new product or service in a range of market. It stimulates most of your target clients to include your services into their shopping list or make a purchase. However, it is salient to make your business high-quality, time-saving, and cost-effective to guarantee a number of successful opportunities in the near future.
Market expansion
When looking for a tool that can help you expand your market, worry no more as advertising methods come to your rescue. With its features, it can maximize your opportunity to acquire a great market expansion. It helps you explore new, qualified, and potential markets and retain the old ones. It can also entice consumers in remote areas.
Amazing sale increase                        
Advertising method facilitates the mass production of any items and boosts sales within a short period of time. Despite the fact that you are having a hard time to make a difference in your sales, this time would be different. There would be a rise of revenues and Return on Investment for sure.

Stand out among your competitors
From meeting the forces of your competition to standing apart among them would be possible with the use advertising method. But when you do not know how to employ it, it would be ideal to let a competent and knowledgeable service provider handle the job for you. Even though their services might seem expensive, they will help you gain huge savings in the long run.
Enhances good-will
Tired of increasing goodwill? Or perhaps unsatisfied with the result of your existing advertising strategy? Whatever the case maybe, there are excellent alternatives you cannot afford to miss. Using one of the best methods can help make your dreams come to life. It can also introduce your business to the market you prefer. Aside from that, repetitive marketing and high-quality products can bring up your reputation.
Educates all of your clients
Apart from being dynamic, advertising method is educational in nature. It helps all of your target clients familiarize with your products, their uses, and features. But exert effort in your marketing from the start to finish. Though you fail a thousand times, stand tall and remain optimistic. Just believe that time will come you can reach the summit of success.
Better and higher-quality of products
Various products are marketed under several brand names. Any branded goods ensure a standard or good quality to diverse clients. So, you have to offer incredible services to your market. This will help you win their confidence and earn their trust. You can expect more successful opportunities along the way.
There you go a few benefits of advertising methods. When you do not integrate a wonderful marketing approach into your current solution, now is the right time. Make a decision as soon as possible before it is too late.

These days, there are a ton of rules in constructing an advertisement. This is why it is not as easy as eating a pie. Whether you are a neophyte or an expert, you still have a high risk to commit a blunder more often. So, it would be ideal to direct your attention to a qualified and competent service provider.
However, if you cannot afford the services of a professional advertising agency, you can also do it yourself. Knowing the do’s and don’ts for a successful advertising is a good start. Are you ready? Here is the list that can give you a concrete idea and help get the most out of the marketing tool of your choice.
Don’t be a copycat
Researching some of the ideas from your competition will give you an advantage. But, don’t plagiarize or copy their style. It will just lower your reliability or credibility in your industry. You will have a hard time to gain the trust among your target customers from the start to finish. It will also thwart the growth and success you dream for.
Despite the difficulty of coming up with a nice idea, take your time and never take shortcuts. You can ask help from a friend, colleague, or relative for your convenience. You can also seek pieces of advice or brainstorm with your entire workforce. With that, you can leverage your chance to thrive, have a lucrative position, and gain a fulfilling life in the years to come.
Be honest at all times
Every word that comes out from any of your advertising methods, your clients will take it in a serious way. As much as possible, you have to be honest. Just promise something reliable and true. If you cannot provide high-quality and cost-effective service yet, you have to be loyal. Then, start developing your products and services. That way, people will never frustrate nor disappoint with you.

Never neglect the utmost importance of your image
Most companies out there invest their money and time in their advertising campaigns. They forget the essence of their brand image, including their website, logo, phone application, and a lot more. When you have a similar situation, maximize the use of your advertising method. Typically, it helps establish a certain image in a manner that is relevant and responsive to your brand.
When you want to lessen marketing expenditures, you have to master the skill of using colors, fonts, images, logo designs, and much more. You can also apply your talent in content marketing to increase the Search Engine Optimization of your campaign. Keep in mind to have a good tone of writing so that people will be interested to make you their top notch option.
Make a further target research
Whether you lack budget or resources, it is imperative to invest a part of it in conducting a quantitative or qualitative research about your target market. During the process, narrow down your segment to have a greater control on your campaign and eliminate your risk to lose money on an inefficient ad.
If other service providers do their best to saturate the public thru more comprehensive or targeted campaigns, you have to adapt how they work. At first, you will struggle a lot, but you will have a stress-free journey as time goes on.
Perform in an unexpected way
Since the past few years, different clients have bombarded with the same advertising campaigns. As a result, they lose interest towards the products most service providers offer. When you engage in the world of business, performing in an unexpected manner can be the key. Despite the thousands of competitors in the field, you will be different for sure. You will also have the courage in the eyes of your audience.

Never advertise in a deceptive manner
Since the internet can be a world of unreliable service providers, customers have become more cautious. This is why your clients will never believe on you with just a blink of an eye. They will dig into your reputation, including services or support before they make a decision. As a business owner, you will encounter all the hassles of encouraging them to make a purchase.
However, advertising all of your services in an honest way would guarantee a great web traffic, high revenues, and other opportunities that can help you bring home the bacon. In addition, serving your clients with integrity will open more doors of business growth and success.
Consider your audience
Although you have a hectic schedule, spend enough time understanding all of your clients. This will help you provide responsive and effective services that can exceed all their expectations and fulfill their needs. Always make sure that your products will be of great use and value to them as well.
Provide a free quote
Before offering a free quote or a discount, examine whether your company can do it or not. Whatever the result maybe, this promotional strategy could make a good impact on your audience. They will never hesitate to give your business a try.
Indeed, considering the do’s and don’ts will maximize your opportunity to get the most out of your advertising method. In spite of the difficulties you will go through, be optimistic, patient, conscientious, and persistent. Possessing all these qualities can also help you go on with the flow in the world of business. Moreover, combining all those things will give you a spot on the summit of victory! 

As you enter the world of business, you need to gain awareness that tough competition is actually waiting for you. But, this type of competition can test your knowledge and skills to keep you on track. Thus, you have to work in acquiring amazing online advertising methods.
 When you are thinking of effective online advertising method that can provide an outstanding customer access. Make sure that your chosen method can easily access your customers.
Blogs – Build Your Credibility
Most of the consumers today are taking advantage of some blogs in order for them to find valuable information about the products and services they are interested in. Your blogs will serve as the permanent show window for many consumers as they find it 25/7 accessibility. So, you have to be clear of your real purpose behind each blog.
Important Benefits of Blogs
·         Develop Amazing Relationships Between Target and Current Customers
With the help of blogs, it is made possible for you to easily connect with the site visitors. You can include questions at the end of your blog in order for you to get feedbacks and comments. Make sure to review the comments of your readers in order for you to build trust, create an understanding of your audience and gain insights of the needs of your customers.

·         Access
By posting different blogs, you can simply show the personal side of your company. Blogging can create a vision, sense of corporate standard and company’s personality. So, make sure that the blogs you are creating are ideal for your business.

·         Create More Opportunities
Whenever you create blogs, you are actually creating an opportunity to allow your customers share your blogs with others. Blogs are free advertising method and it can continuously validate you being a reputable business.
Blogging can introduce you to a practical standpoint. With just a few expenses and effort, you can effectively build credibility, increase your website traffic and acquire more potential clients.

Display Banners – Get Your Business Be More Noticed
Display banners are considered to be one of the first major online advertising methods that brought much advertising into a great edge. By simply placing them on your sites, you are having a great help in making your ads more relevant, timely and personalized.
As you consider display banner on your advertising campaigns, you are increasing your chance of making your ads get more noticed.
What Advertisers Can Expect From Display Banners
·         Complete Branding Circle
Display banners can effectively help you complete your branding circle. Just imagine that there are billions of users within the internet which can create larger opportunities in order for your business to expand and grow. 

·         Get Featured on Relevant Sites
If you know the exact needs of your customers, it can be easier for you to go further and be included in the contents they usually read or website that they visit. Display banners can be featured along with relevant contents to increase its likelihood to easily get noticed or clicked.

·         Gain More Trust
One of your goals in creating effective ads is to gain trust for your brand. If you can effectively deliver your display advertising strategy, you can build reliability and credibility leading to incomparable trust.

·         Lower Advertising Cost
Through online display banners, you get an affordable advertising method. It is considered to be one of the most effective methods with the help of numerous internet users. Here, it is easier for you to reach your target users.

·         Invaluable Transparency
It is quite important for you to have an ability getting or tracking feedback from your advertisements. This will help you determine whether your advertising campaigns are successful and effective in acquiring the interests of your target market.
There are lots of online advertising methods you can utilize and display banners are among the ideal methods. Make sure that you put creativity and consider significant ideas from your advertisement team.

Email Newsletter – Make A Significant Attention for Your Products and Services
Would you like to access plenty of audience easily and quickly with the help of low-cost online advertising method? Newsletter advertising can give you lots of reasons to have effective ads.
In getting started with newsletter advertisement, you can start communicating with different webmasters and email them your programs asking whether they can sell an ad space from their newsletter. Your ad may focus on something that is simple like a text link stating your website being the sponsor.
Discover the Benefits of Email Newsletters
·         More Precise Targeting Method
Many of the industry professionals are taking advantage of subscribing to email newsletters in order for them to stay updated with the latest news. Remember, the more you define a target market, the better opportunities for success. When you align your email newsletter audience with your target market, there is a greater opportunity for you to generate leads.

·         Target Market Can Be Reached Any Time and Anywhere
These days, people can check their emails through different ways such as mobile devices, cyber café or laptop while on the train. To completely enjoy the benefits of advertising in newsletters, make sure that your email newsletter publisher has the right tool for delivery purposes.

·         Inexpensive way to Access Target Market
Make sure that you will be placing the well-targeted email newsletters so that you can increase the visibility of your brand even without a budget. Thus, you can notice that there is a continuous ROI even with the other channels. So, you can get an amazing solution for your online advertising needs.
When you feel that the competition is getting tougher, you have to think of better advertising solutions. Take advantage of email newsletters and you will surely engage to more satisfying results.


People nowadays cannot be stopped once they started to use a trend. Social media is a trend that has been making a big impact in the world of information sharing and communication. This is the technology that allows the user to interact with their friends or family effectively.
There are several reasons as to why people use social media. Well, you can never stop someone from using social media especially if it became a part of their lives. If you are someone who is curious and would like to know why people are too engrossed with social media, these are the reasons that will convince you to use social media too in the end.
·         Communication – with the presence of social media today, communication is now made easy. People can now simply send messages through the internet and can easily convey their ideas to everyone.
·         Socialization – social media, from the name itself, is used for socialization and this is a way for people to interact with their family or friends especially the ones they cannot easily reach or are living in distant places.
·         Information Searching – social media is not only made for interaction but it can also be used for information searching. There are some social media sites that offer information regarding products and services that can be used as a source. Also, social media is a way to learn new things through finding refreshing information.
·         Entertainment – social media is used by people because it is one way of entertaining their selves especially when they are bored. In social media, you can access several entertaining contents such as music, videos, and games. Streaming is also possible with social media which is also a form of entertainment to others.
·         Always be updated – social media is now becoming a place where updates are being provided and thus, people tend to use it because of its ability to provide real time updates regarding activities, news, or information. Social media is where you will be updated from time to time.
·         Photo and Video Sharing – social media are used by everyone because it allows people not only to share information but also to share videos and photos. There are social media platforms that are designed for photo sharing, video sharing or both. Thus, people who love to share videos and photos can make it possible with social media.
·         Opinion Sharing – social media is now being used as a platform to share opinions especially when significant events took place. This is where you can read several blogs or data that is filled with opinions.
·         Meet New People – social media is being used today to meet new people. It is never easy to interact with strangers but with social media, the barriers are being cleared which makes it easy to meet others. No matter where you are in the world, in social media, you can meet new people successfully and easily.

SOCIAL MEDIA SOCIAL MEDIA Reviewed by Moeen on March 03, 2020 Rating: 5

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